Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Mohammad Amirshahi

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Mohammad Amirshahi about his participation in the River Flow 2016 Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, USA from 12 - 15 July 2016

River Flow is the 8th international conference on fluvial hydraulics held this year in St. Louis, USA. This conference was co-organized by University of Iowa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Saint Louis University. More than 400 researchers from all around the world were participated in this conference. The conference was organized in 36 sessions with about 250 talks.

Six master classes were arranged on July 11th. Since proper field data measurement is essential for my studies, I participated in “Modern field measurement techniques” course organized by United States Geological Survey (USGS). During the class, I could talk and discuss with other researchers the difficulties we are facing during our measurements. The conference officially started on July 12th with a very interesting keynote on the history of Mississippi river relating to Mark Twain quotes.

There was a wide variety of talks covering laboratory, field and numerical modeling techniques. Short meetings with other researchers provided us with a very good opportunity for communication and discussion about our researches. I could schedule long meetings with some other researchers in order to discuss my results. On July 14th, I had an oral presentation of my results. The title of my talk was “Characteristics of instantaneous turbulent events in southern German Bight” and was fitted in “Innovative Field and Laboratory Instrumentation for the study of Flow in Open Channels” session. During my talk, I described our field measurement techniques, the method that I used to extract small scale turbulent events and at the end I described the evolution of turbulent events over the tidal cycle. The techniques that I learned during the GLOMAR transferrable skills course “Presentation skills” was quite useful on preparing and presenting my talk.

Beside the main talks, the conference organized some side activities. First of all, on July 13th, I participated in the IAHR Young Professionals Networking (YPN) panel discussion. It was a great opportunity to meet other PhD students, and be familiar with the researches performed in their working group. Finally, in the last day of the conference, we went to a technical tour. At the first part of the tour, we visited the Melvin Price Locks and Dam at the upstream of St. Louis city. Then we travelled back to St. Louis with the Pathfinder! vessel by crossing the confluence of Mississippi and Missouri rivers. The excursion was finished in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering base where they are working on laboratory models on stabilizing bed and managing sediment transport over the Mississippi river. Overall the talks, the YPN panel discussion, and the excursions was really a great experience and opportunity for me to strengthen my scientific networking. This great chance was not possible without the support of GLOMAR - Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences.
Saint Louis University where River Flow 2016 was held

Saint Louis University where River Flow 2016 was held

My talk during the „ Innovative Field and Laboratory Instrumentation for the study of Flow in Open Channels” session

My talk during the "Innovative Field and Laboratory Instrumentation for the study of Flow in Open Channels" session

Professor Peter Goodwin the president of IAHR speaking in the YPN Meeting

Professor Peter Goodwin the president of IAHR speaking in the YPN Meeting

Melvin Price Locks and Dam

Melvin Price Locks and Dam