Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Miriam Sollich

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Miriam Sollich about her participation in the GRC and GRS (Gordon Research Conference and Seminar) on Organic Geochemistry, Holderness, NH, USA, 2 - 8 August 2014

Although originally a US meeting, the biannual Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) on Organic Geochemistry became one of the most important conferences in the field with participants from all over the world. A particular aspect of the GRC is the relatively low number of participants (< 200), which offers a unique possibility for interacting with other scientists, not only through the scientific program but also through many social activities. Moreover the GRC program which has only one common session and accommodations and meals concentrated at one location, enhances effectively the chances for scientific networking.

The GRC is always held in concert with the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) which is two days before the conference starts. The GRS gives especially graduate students and young post-docs the opportunity to present their work, in a motivated and non-intimidating atmosphere. I was given the chance to present my latest findings and results obtained during my PhD at both GRC, as poster presentation and during GRS as poster and oral presentation. Especially due to my oral presentation many young scientists visited my poster as well and started fruitful discussions about my data. I also got the great chance, to discuss my data intensively with the most outstanding scientists in the field of biogeochemistry. The great thing is that I can incorporate parts of these discussions in my current manuscript.

I especially enjoyed the scientific program which comprised exclusively of unpublished, cutting-edge topics and data, and provided me with comprehensive updates of the most recent scientific developments in the field of organic geochemistry.

I would like to thank Glomar for the financial support to attend both GRS and GRC. This gave me the invaluable opportunity to increase my visibility in the scientific community and broadened my scientific network, which opens up important contacts for future collaborations or even job possibilities after my PhD.