Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Mingming Li

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Mingming Li about her participation in the EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 - 27 April 2012

The EGU General Assembly is held every year and took place between the 23th and 27th, April this year in Vienna, Austria.
The General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union is the most important meeting for geoscientists in Europe, which covers all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences.
The EGU General Assembly 2012 covered 530 sessions together with 157 Poster Summaries & Discussions sessions as well as 165 side events. 28% out of 11,275 participants from 95 countries were students.

On April 26th I gave an oral presentation titled “Spatial variation of diapycnal mixing from hydrographic surveys in the subpolar North Atlantic” within the session: “The North Atlantic: natural variability and global change” (OS1.2). It was in the afternoon with around 100 audiences. I got one question and some useful feedback and suggestions afterward.

During the conference, I also participated some other sessions, such as “Open Session on Ocean Circulation” (OS1.1), “the Southern Ocean and its Role in the Global Climate System” (OS1.4), “Turbulence in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Boundary Layers” (AS2.2/OS5.3) and so on, which broadened my views of ocean science. I had meaningful talks with some scientists after oral programs, in exhibition hall and lobby. During the poster program of OS1.4 I met a girl who is working on the similar topic with mine on southern ocean and we exchanged the results of our work and had some discussion, which was quite exciting for me.

I enjoyed both the oral and poster presentations, from which I learned a lot and I was grateful to be acquainted with other oceanographers. I appreciate the support from GLOMAR to give me the opportunity to take part in this conference.