Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Lélia Matos

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Lélia Matos about her participation in the PAGES Open Science Meeting in Goa, India, 13 - 16 February 2013

The PAGES (Past Global Changes) is a project of the IGBP that supports past climate and environment research while assisting future projections. Happening once every four years, the PAGES Open Science Meeting is an important opportunity for gathering scientists from different fields of Global Change research. The 2013 meeting took place in Goa, India from 13 – 16 February, at the lovely Cidade de Goa Resort, under the theme The Past: a Compass for Future Earth. Over 400 scientists participated in the meeting this year, with the Indian scientific community being widely represented, as expected.

Everyday there were plenary sessions given by invited speakers on highlight topics. These were followed by parallel sessions of oral presentations. Besides the sessions on the usual fields of climate research, a bigger focus was given to Monsoon research, as well as to the Climate variability of the last 2000 years (results from the PAGES 2k Network). Nevertheless, studies focusing Climate change and Human evolution or Risk assessment were well represented. The open air poster sessions occurred mainly in the afternoon at the resort lawns.

The presentation of my poster took place on February 15th, as part of the session The Role of Ocean Circulation in Climate Dynamics. During which I had the opportunity of presenting and discussing my initial PhD results. The manuscript that I am currently preparing will most certainly benefit from this discussion.

Besides the pleasant social events offered during the conference, I had the opportunity of participating in the field trip to the Deccan Traps organized by the meeting committee. This is one of the largest volcanic features on Earth, consisting of multiple layers of solidified flood basalt formed between 60 and 68 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period.

Participating in the PAGES OSM allowed me to strengthen my scientific network; learn about new approaches on climate research; and improve my own research. I am very grateful to GLOMAR whose financial support allowed me to participate in this meeting.
Lélia - poster

Lélia in front of her poster

poster session

Poster session


The venue

talk session

Oral session

Deccan Traps

Deccan Traps

Excursion group Deccan Traps

Deccan Traps excursion group