Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Junhui Xing

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Junhui Xing about his participation in the Gordon Research Conference on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems, Ventura, USA, 18 - 23 March 2012

The 2nd Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Natural Gas Hydrates is the first conference to bring together academic, government, and industry researchers from all career stages to discuss and communicate the knowledge of gas hydrate sciences. More than 90 participants joined the conference. It combined cutting-edge presentations on field, experimental, and modeling studies, and specifically encourages intensive exchange and discussion of unpublished, state-of-the-art, advances in gas hydrate sciences and allied disciplines.

I appreciate the support from GLOMAR so that I have the opportunity to present my PhD work in this conference. In the conference, all oral presentations were invited. They gave me an overview of gas hydrates cutting-edge knowledge from different disciplines.

During the conference, I presented a poster “Distribution of shallow gas in the subsurface, gas flares and the role of gas hydrate near the Kerch Peninsula, Black Sea”, which successfully attracted some famous experts. And I got a lot of very useful advices (positive feedback) which inspired me to my further work. The students’ posters were asked to present all the conference time which could encourage students to make full use of this conference to communicate with other scientists. Therefore, my capability of the scientific communication was enhanced. I will benefit a lot from the established gas hydrate community by GRC in the future.

Overall this conference was very interesting, helpful and an impressive experience to me. I really enjoyed it. I would like to thank GLOMAR for the financial support again.