Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Jonas Löb

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Jonas Löb about his participation in the OMS 2018 in Portland, USA from 11 to 16 February 2018

The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) was held between 11th and 16th of February 2018 at the Oregon Convention Centre in Portland (USA). With about 4000 expected attendees it is one of the largest conferences in this field and an important venue for scientific exchange across broad marine science disciplines.

The conference covered a wide range of oral talks and poster presentations closely related to my research field of internal gravity waves. I was very happy to present a poster on Wednesday afternoon entitled “Global distribution of low mode internal wave energy fluxes” in the Session “Ocean surface and Internal Tides”.

Afterwards I had a chance to finally meet with one of my thesis committee members, Dr. Zhongxiang Zhao from the University of Washington, who gave me a lot of good advises for my future research. Besides that, I attended during the entire week to a variety of good talks throughout the entire range of internal waves.

Besides plenty of conference rooms there were also several rooms only for workshops during lunchtime, a big exhibitor’s hall and a gigantic poster hall. What I especially liked was that the posters hung the entire week in the poster hall and not only during the single poster sessions. Which gave you the opportunity to go through the posters and have a look to whom you want to talk more in detail.

In the exhibitor’s hall were a lot of interesting booths over a wide range of topics, from different institute and journals to a variety of companies who were presenting their newest instruments. In one of this booth, I was able to organize together with my colleague an agreement to borrow a turbulence profiler (WMP-250) for our next cruise POS523 to measure mixing parameters south from the Azores.

During my time in Portland, I rented an apartment with two other colleagues. We had a great time to discover Portland before and after the conference.

It was a great and very successful conference with a lot of very interesting talks and poster presentations. It helped me a lot, getting inspired with new ideas for my PhD project and it was the perfect place to get to know all the import researchers in my field of science. I want to say thanks a lot to GLOMAR for providing the funding for this conference.

Jonas Löb at OCM 2018
Jonas Löb at OCM 2018