Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Janina Groninga

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Janina Groninga about her participation in the Gordon Organic Geochemistry Research Conference and Seminar in Holderness, NH, USA from 30 July to 5 August 2022

From July 30 to August 5, 2022, the Holderness School in New Hampshire opened its door for the Organic Geochemistry GRC and the complementary research seminar and welcomed researchers from all over the world to discuss the late-breaking topics in the field. This year's focus encompassed the formation and fate of organic matter, how it regulated Earth's history and how it will shape the future.

From Sunday to Thursday, we had the opportunity to visit nine sessions, each dedicated to exciting biogeochemical topics from the interaction of organic and inorganic geochemistry and intramolecular isotope analysis to the implementation of big data mining approaches in environmental sciences. The session titled "Lipid Membranes: From Biophysics to Adaptation to Novel Proxies" was particularly interesting as it relates the closest to my current research topic.

While the talks and poster sessions were undoubtedly an exciting and educational experience, the interactions with the other conference participants were my highlight. Between sessions and at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I had the opportunity to meet countless scientists from all over the world. Many were in their earlier career stages and could offer great insight on how to thrive during your Ph.D. Others were already well-known scientists with decades of experience—some of them I have cited in my work many times before. It has been a pleasure to meet them in person and have scientific and non-scientific conversations. The relatively small size of the GRC made it particularly easy to network, and I could not have chosen a better conference to be my first.

Next to the conference, I also participated in the preceding research seminar, which provided a forum for Ph.D. students and postdocs in a more informal setting. I had the great honor of being invited to present my research on Micrometer-Scale Profiling of Microbial Communities in the Hydrothermal Sediments of the Guaymas Basin via Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Intact Polar Lipids during one of the sessions. The GRS's more informal and open setting was an excellent stage for my first major presentation in front of a bigger and live audience. It went smoothly, and I am convinced it was great practice for future presentations, which might be held in a more formal environment. Additionally, I presented my research in the form of a poster during multiple poster sessions in the afternoon.

Next to scientific talks and poster sessions, the conference also offered fun social activities to encourage networking, including kayaking, hiking in the surrounding forests, and the traditional soccer match, where I played in the defense for a short time.

red wooden houses with a lawn and trees in front of them
Venue of the conference in Holderness, NH, USA
Janina Groninga standing next to her poster
Poster session during the conference
soccer pitch with people playing
Traditional soccer match of the GRC

Overall, I have to state that my first conference experience was great as it provided me with an overview of state of the art in my research field, allowed me to present my own work, and offered extensive networking opportunities. Thus I would express my great gratitude to GLOMAR for enabling me to attend the conference.