Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Hadar Elyashiv

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Hadar Elyashiv about her participation in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2019 in Wien, Austria from 7 to 12 April

The European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly of 2019, was held between the 7-12 of April 2019 in Vienna, Austria. As the biggest and most important geosciences conference in Europe, this year more than 16,000 people participated in the conference. This annual event is covering a wide range of presentations (e.g. talks, posters and PICO presentations) and brings together scientists from all over the world.

I attended this year the EGU General Assembly as many of the expert community studying submarine landslides were taking part in the conference. This was a great opportunity to present my work and discuss it with this particular community. In addition, I had a great opportunity to get in touch with the students community of the EU training program ‘SLATE’ who came to present their research as well. This was a great occasion to create further contacts with the submarine landslides community.

I gave a talk in the large landslides session ‘How do sediments cohesion and peak strength, control failure initiation and timing of slope destabilization? A 3D Discrete Element study’. The talk presented the outcomes of my work in the "Sediment dynamics" working group of Prof Huhn.

In recent years, more and more sessions are dedicated to the role of scientists in transferring knowledge to the public such as science communication and geo-ethics. Thus, I used the opportunity going to the EGU, not only presenting my scientific research but as well the science communication project I am part of, the “Once upon a time...scientific short stories” project.

I presented a poster in the session "what does outreach mean to you?" The poster presented the project and depicted the challenges the group has faces in outreaching to the audience in Bremen and worldwide. Although only two hours were scheduled for the poster presenation, I spent most of the day next to the poster. Questions, requests for translations and new connections and enthusiastic reactions where coming up all day.

Overall, the EGU General Assembly was a great conference to get the exposure to experts, new studies, possible collaborations, journals, research methods, coding and some more soft skills training.

I wish to thank GLOMAR for this great opportunity providing the funding for such an experience.

talk in the landslides session
Talk ‘How do sediments cohesion and peak strength, control failure initiation and timing of slope destabilization? A 3D Discrete Element study’ in the landslides session
Poster of science communication project “Once upon a time...scientific short stories”