Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Gaëlle Quéré

The 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS 2012) was held from 9th to 13th July 2012 in Cairns, Australia. Held every four years, the ICRS is a major event in Coral Reef Science. The conference is considered to be a not-to-miss opportunity by many young coral reef scientists.

Over 2000 delegates, including the world’s leading natural scientists, resource managers, conservationists, economists and early career scientists from 80 countries gathered at a critical time for the future of coral reefs. Thanks to GLOMAR and DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service – I could afford to attend this crucial event. During a 20 minutes talk in a crowded seminar room, I presented my work on Diseases affecting Crustose Coralline Algae and realized how important it was in science to share, disseminate and discuss our findings. Scientists came to me after my talk, introduced themselves so we could discuss further. The 1300 talks and 225 posters during the week long symposium gave me the chance to hear about the latest advances from international scientists. 12 sessions covered many aspects of coral reef science from evolution and taxonomy to ocean acidification, climate change and bleaching, microbes and viruses not forgetting the social, economic and cultural perspectives thus broadening the scope of my knowledge on coral reef ecology.

Taking part in the ICRS was the best opportunity for scientists to give evidence that coral reefs are at risk but also to raise awareness for a sustainable use of this priceless treasure that represent coral reefs. This key message should of course be delivered to all scientists involved in coral reef science but the role of such a big event is also to reach a non-scientific audience who can act to protect this endangered ecosystem. An extremely high media profile for ICRS 2012 as well as nine outstanding plenary speakers contributed to deliver the message to a broader audience and for all those interested the talks are still available online at

Students should always take the opportunity to attend conferences and every opportunity should always be taken to open the conference doors and spread the knowledge.

Plenary hall, 12th International Coral Reef Symposium