Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Friederike Grimmer

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Friederike Grimmer about her participation in the International Conference on Paleoceanography in Utrecht, Netherlands from 29 August - 2 September 2016

The International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) is the largest international meeting of paleoceanographers and takes place only every three years. Therefore, I am very glad for the opportunity to participate and present my research there this year. The conference took place in the beautiful city of Utrecht in the Netherlands from August 29 to September 2, 2016.

Taking into account the ca. 700 participants, the conference had a very unique format for its size, with only one talk or one poster session at a time, respectively. This made it possible for everyone to attend everything. Also, there were only relatively few invited talks and all the other famous senior scientists presented posters, which made it easier to approach them and discuss with them. The more than 600 posters were a bit overwhelming at first, but in the end there was enough time during the three poster sessions to see everything I found interesting. Overall, I experienced a very nice interaction of the older generation of scientist with the early career researchers. Especially for this reason, I think that every PhD student in paleoceanography should attend this conference once during their studies. Even though my field of research was clearly underrepresented at the ICP, I got a lot of new ideas for my work.

Apart from the science, the organizing committee offered several social activities to entertain us, like a Dutch wine and cheese tasting and a paleomusicology concert where some conference participants showed their musical skills. These were good opportunities to get in touch with other scientists in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Finally, I would like to thank GLOMAR and the DFG for financial support to attend this conference.