Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Deborah Tangunan

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Deborah Tangunan about her participation in the International Conference on Paleoceanography in Utrecht, Netherlands from 29 August - 2 September 2016

The International Conference on Paleoceanography gathers together scientists from the academe, research institutions and industry all over the world who are working in the field of paleoceanography. This meeting is held every three years and is one of the most important platforms for discussion of results and presentation of current developments in paleoceanography.

The ICP12 took place in a small and beautiful city of Utrecht and was attended by more than 600 scientists in all realms of paleoceanography. We were immersed into the invited talks given by the "young and upcoming" scientists, perspective lectures by experienced scientists, and at least 500 posters presented by the participants. Aside from science, the organizers also made sure that we will also be able to experience Utrecht through the city tour, cheese and wine tasting, and paleomusicology concert.

I presented my poster "Paleoproductivity in the western tropical Indian Ocean over the past 300 kyrs: evidence from coccolithophores off Tanzania, East Africa" under Session 2. Paleo Proxies: Development, Calibration and Application. This gave me a venue to discuss my results with other colleagues using similar proxies as well as get feedbacks and comments from other scientists. Since this conference covers all aspects of paleoceanography, I was able to gain insights on the ocean processes and look at my own research into a larger scale. Through these discussions, I gained a broader and wider knowledge about my field and my PhD work.

This conference is really one of the important conferences that every researcher working on paleoceanography should attend and I would like to thank GLOMAR for the opportunity by providing funding support to attend this conference.