Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Daniella Ferrol-Schulte

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Daniella Ferrol-Schulte about her participation in the International Conference on Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA, 22-25 July 2013

The International Conference on Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2013 was organized by the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB). We 1500 delegates gathered in the soaring Baltimore heat and enjoyed 4 days of talks, workshops and events. The setting in Chesapeake Bay, famous for shellfish, was beautiful and coming from a fisheries discipline provided interesting comparisons to my work in developing countries.

My talk was entitled “Exploring drivers of natural resource exploitation in tropical coastal communities: patron-client relationships”. The idea was to get natural scientists, conservationists and managers thinking about what stakeholder relationships are involved in natural resource exploitation. Patrons can be instigators of more unsustainable fishing practises. Yet they have more room for manouevre compared to their fishermen clients when it comes to making a living and so are themselves valuable for turning back the tide of natural resource overexploitation in tropical coastal communities. Their potential just has to be tapped.

I also took a course on the Role of Social Sciences in Conservation. The course was attended by social and natural scientists from a variety of disciplines and fostered extensive and lively discussions. It covered the Human Dimensions of Conservation; concepts such as Values, Norms and Attitudes as well as Social Psychology and Behaviour Change.

Through extensive networking, and thanks to well-arranged and diverse symposia, the I was able to make many useful contacts within the field of my PhD. This has resulted in a preliminary post-doc proposal now being discussed. The course I attended at the beginning of the conference provided a key point of departure for the idea behind this new project. This would not have been possible without the financial support from ICCB Travel Award Scheme and GLOMAR – thanks!