Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Christoph Häggi

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Christoph Häggi about his participation in the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic from 13 – 18 September 2015

Thanks to funding by GLOMAR graduate school, I was able to attend the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) 2015 in Prague from September 13th to September 18th 2015. The IMOG is a biennial meeting of organic geochemists organised by the European Association of Organic Geochemists (EAOG). Its 2015 edition took place in a modern conference hotel in the outskirts of Prague. The conference was attended by a little less than 500 scientists and industry representatives from all over the world, who gave a total of about 80 talks and presented about 390 posters.

The studies presented at IMOG 2015 can be broadly divided in research focused on the understanding of petroleum reservoirs and research dealing with the application of biomarker proxies in the study of biochemical cycles and the fields of archaeology and paleoclimatology. Since my thesis mainly focuses on the latter topic, I mainly attended talks and poster presentations that dealt with different aspects of biomarker proxy calibration and paleoclimatology.

My personal conference contribution was a poster on the sources, transport and sedimentation of plant wax biomarkers in the Amazon River. To that end, I presented results of compound-specific deuterium- and carbon isotope analyses on long-chain n-alkanes from suspended sediment and river bed samples from the Amazon River and marine core-top samples from the Amazon Outflow Plume. The poster sparked interesting discussions with other scientists conducting research using the isotopic composition of plant waxes. Furthermore, I was able to compare my results to the findings of another study using different biomarker proxies to characterize the transport of organic matter in the Amazon River.

In conclusion, the IMOG 2015 presented me with a broad overview of the state of the art in the application of a variety of biomarkers and was therefore an important contribution to my knowledge of the strengths and caveats of these compounds as environmental proxies. The innovative application of some of these proxies also provided me with new ideas on how to proceed in my PhD project. Finally, the conference allowed me an interesting insight into the commercial application of organic geochemistry in the petroleum industry.