Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Benjamin Baasch

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Benjamin Baasch about his participation in the 8th International Marine Electromagnetics conference (MARELEC), Hamburg, Germany, 16 - 19 July 2013

MARELEC is the only international conferences which focus on marine electromagnetics. The conference takes places every two years at various exhibition sites. This year, the conference was held at the Helmut Schmidt University of the German Forces in Hamburg. Cutting edge technologies and developments were presented by leading scientists, engineers and academics in the various disciplines of geophysics, geotechnical engineering, oceanography and naval warfare.

For me it was the second participation in this conference after 2011. It was nice for me to see all the familiar faces again and I really felt like a part of this community. Due to the small size of the conference (less than 70 abstracts were presented), I had the chance to give a quite long talk (25 min + 5 min discussion) entitled Reconstruction of near surface electric conductivity and magnetic susceptibility from marine EM data. In this talk I showed and discussed a lot of aspects of my PhD projects, concerning electromagnetic data processing, modelling and inversion.

During the poster sessions and the amazing social programme I had fruitful discussions with colleagues from academia and industry.

I would like to thank GLOMAR for funding my participation in MARELC 2013. This conference helped me to expand my network in marine electromagnetics community.