Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Antje Buß

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Antje Buß about her participation in the EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 - 27 April 2012

The EGU General Assembly 2012 was held in Vienna from the 22nd to the 27th of April. With more than 11000 participating scientists from 95 countries, it is the biggest geoscience conference Europe. Thanks to the support of GLOMAR I was able to attend the EGU General Assembly at the very early stage of my Ph.D. project. I presented a poster, entitled “Upwelling the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium” within the session “Southern Ocean and its Role in the Global Climate System” which provided the perfect possibility for me to meet experts working in the Southern Ocean. I discussed my first results as well as the method which I will use during my Ph.D. project to calculate upwelling velocities. By attending the oral presentations of the Southern Ocean session and “Ice shelves - dynamics, interactions, observations, modeling” session, I could broaden my knowledge of the region I am working in. Several other sessions like “Open Session on Ocean Circulation”, “The North Atlantic: natural variability and global change” or “Ocean Remote Sensing” that are not directly related to my work provided a good overview of ongoing research in other oceanographic research areas.

I am sure that the attendance at the EGU General Assembly was a great benefit for my ongoing research and helped me establishing a network in the oceanographic community. I thank GLOMAR a lot for this funding!