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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Support during the lockdown

Mar 16, 2020
Corona update

- Can­celled events

- How to con­tact us

Since 16 March 2020, MARUM staff is work­ing in home of­fice. All courses and other events for MARUM and GLO­MAR early ca­reer re­search­ers have been can­celled un­til the end of July. We will ad­just this sched­ule ac­cord­ing to the gen­eral de­vel­op­ment.

Dur­ing the time of home of­fice, we do our best to support you via e-mail and phone.

For gen­eral re­quests, please con­tact us at [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

If you are look­ing for per­sonal sup­port or con­sult­ing, you are wel­come to con­tact Tina at [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]. I will be happy to an­swer your e-mails or sched­ule a phone call or video chat with you.