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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Tsiaranto Fanoro

Institution: Leib­niz Cen­ter for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men
Office: ZMT, room
Phone: +49 421 23800 - 30
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Other webpage(s): Tsiaranto's ZMT web page

Tsiaranto Fanoro

Doctoral Research Project

Analysis of river sediment input impact on seagrass using case studies from estuaries in Madagascar

Seagrass is a marine flowering plant found in intertidal zone and forming an important ecosystem that support biodiversity and shelter the coast from wave erosion. Seagrass ecosystem is an important fishing ground for coastal communities, it supporst species targeted in large industrial fishing for international seafood trade but also day to day fishing for small scale fishers. Gleaning is the fishing of invertebrate using low coast tools such as spoon, stick, and hoe practiced by walking in seagrass. Gleaning is tightly link to food wellbeing of coastal communities in developing countries. With the on-going loss of marine ecosystem, understanding the impact of human activities into them assists to mitigate biodiversity loss and food crisis under the changing climate.

In this project, I will compare the physical environmental conditions and the seagrass plant's population structure and performance in 6 estuaries in Madagascar. The similarities or differences will inform me on seagrass responses into runoff and highlight the hinterland anthropogenic factor driving sedimentation flux in each estuary, such as vegetation cover change and slash and burn practice.

Thesis Committee

Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer Leib­niz Cen­ter for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men and University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Marie Fujitani Leib­niz Cen­ter for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men and University of Bremen
PD Dr. Hauke Reuter Leib­niz Cen­ter for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men and University of Bremen
PD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn Leib­niz Cen­ter for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men and University of Bremen