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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nancy Awuor Oduor

Institution: Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen
Office: ZMT Fahrenheitstr. 6, room 2214
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Other webpage(s): Nancy's ZMT web page

Nancy Awuor Oduor

Doctoral Research Project

Sources and pathways of anthropogenic nutrients to coastal systems: Implications to HABs development in Mombasa, Kenya

My project will be conducted in Mombasa, a coastal city surrounded by ecologically, economically and culturally important marine systems but experiencing nutrient pollution and other pressures from diverse human activities. It aims at examining the sources and quantifying fluxes of essential nutrients and their effects on phytoplankton community structure and occurrences of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).

The study has been developed to test the hypothesis that ‘nutrient inputs from anthropogenic activities lead to the development of HABs in the coastal waters of Mombasa’.

It will be conducted for a period of two years (2021 -2023) and will utilize available literature, satellite imageries, field monitoring and laboratory analysis to: establish temporal and spatial variation in environmental parameters, dissolved nutrients fluxes (sources and pathways), chlorophyll a, stable nitrogen isotope ratios, molar concentrations of N: P: Si, phytoplankton community structure, HABs species diversity and abundance and how changes in coastal development will affect water quality and the occurrence of HABs in the coastal waters of Mombasa.

I hope to provide information that will inform policy based mitigation actions towards nutrient pollution and HABs management to protect valuable natural resources, ensure resilience of coastal systems and public health safety, secure food and local livelihoods in the region.

Thesis Committee

Prof. Dr. Nils Moosdorf University of Oldenburg and Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen
Prof. Dr. Marie Fujitani Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen
Dr. Cosmas Nzanga Munga Technical University of Mombasa (TUM), Kenya
Dr. Birte Matthiessen GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel
Harrison Ong'anda Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Mombasa, Kenya
Dr. Anne Kremp Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Warnemünde