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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Mondane Fouqueray

Institution: Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT)
Office: ZMT, room 5203
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Other webpage(s): Mondane's ZMT web page

Mondane Fouqueray

Doctoral Research Project

Societal and ecological feasibility of mangrove expansion: perspectives from Barú, Colombia, and Setiu Wetlands, Malaysia

The urgency of climate change mitigation is such that carbon dioxide removal methods need to be developed alongside emission reduction efforts, to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. The project sea4soCiety aims to establish a baseline for carbon quantity and quality currently stored in vegetated coastal ecosystems, and develop approaches for ecosystem expansion that are ecologically feasible, environmentally sound, legally and ethically unobjectionable, and based on societal requirements for additional benefits.

I will investigate the feasibility of mangrove expansion in Barú, Colombia, and Setiu Wetlands, Malaysia, both from a societal and ecological perspective. I will begin with a stakeholder analysis and in-depth qualitative interviews with the different coastal communities, investigating societal acceptance of ecosystem expansion, and exploring people’s perceptions of climate change, risks to ecosystems, and valued ecosystem services. Then, the limitations and strengths of ongoing re-planting efforts within the communities will be evaluated to identify potential synergies with sea4soCiety’s aims.

Thesis Committee

Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT)
Prof. Dr. Beate Ratter University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Marie Fujitani Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT)
Dr. Sebastian Ferse Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT)