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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Jan-Hendrik Malles

Institution: University of Bremen
Office: FVG Room M 2150
Phone: +49 421 218 - 67176
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Other webpage(s): Jan-Hendriks's faculty web page
Jan Hendrik's ArcTrain web page

Jan-Hendrik Malles

Doctoral Research Project

Linking ocean warming and glacier mass change in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

In my PhD pro­ject I will stu­dy the in­ter­ac­tions bet­ween gla­ciers in the Ca­na­di­an Arc­tic, whe­re many ma­ri­ne ter­mi­na­ting gla­ciers are pre­sent, and the re­gio­nal oce­an cir­cu­la­ti­on. This is of importance, since the Canadian Arctic Archipelago contains nearly 30 % of the Earth's glaciated area outside of the ice sheets and feedback mechanisms involved could thus enhance mass loss in this region and thereby accelerate sea-level rise. Additionally, the flux of freshwater this might produce, could even influence larger-scale ocean circulation patterns.

My approach to this problem is cou­pling a gla­cier mo­del to an oce­an mo­del, so that we can un­der­stand the pro­ces­ses in­vol­ved in tho­se in­ter­ac­tions as well.

Thesis Committee

Prof. Dr. Ben Marzeion University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Paul G. Myers University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Dr. Dagmar Kieke University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
Prof. Dr. Christian Schoof University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada