Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

GLOMAR Joint Seminar

Jan 25, 2018, 10:00
MARUM I, room 2070
GLOMAR Joint Seminar

Monthly research seminar for all GLOMAR PhD students

25 January 2018

10.00 - 13.00

MARUM I, room 2070, BCR and labs

Topic: Sediment Archives and Palaeoclimate Research at MARUM


10.00 - 10.25 hrs. Introduction to sedimment archives
10.25 - 11.00 hrs. Tour of the MARUM core laboratories & repository
11.00 - 11.30 hrs. IODP expeditions, core research by GLOMAR PhD students, discussion

IODP Bremen Core Repository
IODP Bremen Core Repository at MARUM
Photo: Volker Diekamp / MARUM
PhD students studying a sediment core
PhD students studying at a sediment core
Photo: Volker Diekamp / MARUM