Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences


Sep 2, 2015
GLOMAR BBQ 2012 (c) Ulrike Holzwarth
3 September 2015
Osterdeich, behind Bürgerhaus Weserterrassen

We would like to invite you to our annual GLOMAR summer BBQ at the Weser on Thursday, September 3rd. We'll organize some beers, a grill and outdoor games such as Kub (aka Viking Chess), football, slackline, and volleyball.. we'll do our best to also provide good weather (no promises). Please bring along blankets, cutlery, plates as well as additional drinks, salads, cakes and whatever you'd like to put on the grill. We'll meet at the Weserterrassen behind the same-named Bürgerhaus (few hundred meters before the stadium) at 18:00.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Your PhD representatives
Andreas, Dan, Julia, Lena & Lennart