ECORD Summer School 2015

"Ocean crust processes: magma, faults, fluxes and life"

31 August - 11 September 2015

at the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and
the IODP Bremen Core Repository, University of Bremen, Germany

Copyright: Volker Diekamp, MARUM

The Aim

The major goal is to bring PhD students and young Postdocs in touch with IODP at an early stage of their career, inform them about the actual research within this international scientific program, and to prepare them for future participations in IODP expeditions. Such training will be achieved by taking the summer school participants on a “virtual ship” where they get familiarized with a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art analytical technologies and core description methods according to the high standards on IODP expeditions. In addition, the thematic topic of the summer school "Ocean crust processes: magma, faults, fluxes and life" will be reviewed by various scientific lectures by the leading experts in the field.

Located on the university campus, MARUM hosts the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR), the only IODP core repository in Europe.

Location and Organisation

The ECORD Summer School on “Ocean crust processes: magma, faults, fluxes and life” 2015 will take place from 31 August to 11 September 2015 at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen University, Germany. It is organized by by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach, Head of the group on Petrology of the Ocean Crust at the University of Bremen, Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, Graduate Dean of the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR), and by Dr. Ursula Röhl, Head of the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR). MARUM and its International Graduate School for Marine Sciences GLOMAR, as well as the BCR jointly offer the unique training possibilities used for this summer school by providing laboratory and seminar facilities.

MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

The Topic

Mid-ocean ridges are important Earth Connections, where much of the exchange of heat and matter between the lithosphere and the oceans takes place. The formation and structure of ocean crust and the rates and pathways of interaction with the oceans depend on spreading and magma supply rates. Ocean core complexes are a major mode of crustal accretion at slow-spreading ridges, where upper mantle rocks are exhumed along long-lived, low-angle detach-ment faults. Ocean drilling of these complexes offers a unique opportunity to access lithologies that were initially emplaced at the base of the lithosphere. Serpentinization reactions in these environ-ments support unique ecosystems in the deep-sea and within the crust.
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Copyright: Dr. U. Röhl, MARUM

Structure of the Summer School

This summer school will combine lab exercises on IODP-style shipboard methodologies ("virtual ship") as well as interactive lectures by world-leading scientists in the field of mid-ocean ridge research. Participation will prepare you for future involvement in IODP and for research work on mid-ocean ridge processes. The summer school will take advantage of the unique and integrated facilities offered by the IODP Bremen Core Repository and the MARUM laboratories.
The weekend between the first and the second week will give the participants the possibility to join a field trip on Saturday 5 September 2015.

During the Summer School the participants will have the possibility to give a short presentation introducing their own research work.
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W. BachMARUM, Bremen
S. DaviesUniversity of Leicester
C. DeveyGEOMAR, Kiel
A. FehrRWTH Aachen
T. FreudenthalMARUM, Bremen
G. Früh-GreenETH Zurich
C. GarridoUniversity of Granada
M.GodardUniversity of Montpellier
W. HaleMARUM, Bremen
B. IldefonseUniversity of Montpellier
M. IvarssonMuseum of Natural History, Stockholm
J. JamiesonGEOMAR, Kiel
J. KöpkeUniversity of Hannover
B. MenezUniversity of Paris
A. MorrisUniversity of Plymouth
S. PetersenGEOMAR, Kiel
V. RathmeyerMARUM, Bremen
U. RöhlMARUM, Bremen
V. SchlindweinAWI, Bremerhaven
T. SchroederBennington, USA
R. SteinAWI, Bremerhaven
D. TeagleUniversity of Southampton
R. TribuzioUniversity of Pavia
H. VillingerUniversity of Bremen

Copyright: Dr. U. Röhl, MARUM

Copyright: Dr. U. Röhl, MARUM


Copyright: Volker Diekamp, MARUM

All in all 33 young scientists from 11 countries learned methods and workflows within the International Ocean Discovery Program IODP to prepare them for future participations in expeditions.

Report by Participants
