From Ridges to Flanks to Margins – lithosphere dynamics and connections to global environmental changes

2 – 13 September 2024

at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and
the IODP Bremen Core Repository, University of Bremen, Germany


Making smear slides
U. Röhl, MARUM and IODP

The Aim

The major goal is to bring PhD students and young Postdocs in touch with IODP at an early stage of their career, inform them about the exciting research within IODP as (I)ODP and DSDP have been proven to be the most successful internationally collaborative research programs in the history of Earth sciences, and to prepare them for future participation in drilling expeditions. Such training will be achieved by taking the summer school participants on a “shipboard simulation” where they get familiarized with a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art analytical technologies and core description and scanning methods according to the high standards of ocean drilling expeditions. In addition, the thematic topic of the summer school will be reviewed by various scientific lectures by the leading experts in the field.

The reefer of the Bremen Core Repository
© V. Diekamp, MARUM and IODP

Located on the university campus, MARUM hosts the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR), the only IODP core repository in Europe.

Location and Organization

The ECORD Summer School on “From ridges to flanks to margins – lithosphere dynamics and connections to global environmental chang” 2024 will place from 2 to 13 September 2024 at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen University, Germany. It is organized by Dr. Ursula Röhl, Head of the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach, Professor for the Petrology of the ocean crust at MARUM, and Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, Graduate Dean of the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR).

MARUM and its International Graduate School for Marine Sciences GLOMAR, as well as the BCR jointly offer the unique training possibilities used for this summer school by providing laboratory and seminar facilities.

The MARUM I building in Leobener Strasse 8
MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

The Topic

The formation and maturation of oceanic crust plays a vital role in Earth's geochemical cycles. Key behind this is the intense exchange between seawater and crust throughout much of its lifetime. In the initial stage of ocean basin formation, the breakup of continental crust is accommodated by excessive or sparse magmatism causing widely variable ocean margin processes, ranging from intense magma-sediment interaction to widespread serpentinization of exhumed lithospheric mantle. The related water-rock interactions are incompletely understood but hold promise to help understand abiotic processes that may have turned the planet habited billions of years ago. Between spreading ridges and continental margins are the ridge flanks, which have long been realized as an important interface between the lithosphere and the oceans in terms of mass and energy fluxes. One unique aspect of ridge flanks is that they constitute the perhaps largest microbial habitat on the planet. Drilling the seafloor reveals a rich archive of ocean basin evolution and provides valuable perspectives on how geodynamic components, seawater circulation, ocean chemistry and climate are interconnected. Shedding light on our current knowledge about some of these Deep Earth connections is the main goal of the ECORD Summer School in 2024.

Preliminary program

will come soon...


List of potential speakers (some not asked yet)

List of potential lectures
(some not asked yet)
E. Albers Massachusetts, USA
W. Bach Bremen, Germany
C. Berndt Kiel, Germany
A. Bornemann Hannover, Germany
A. Briais Brest, France
M. Cannat Paris, France
R. Coggon Southampton, UK
J. Escartin Paris, France
C. Galerne Bremen, Germany
V. Heuer Bremen, Germany
K. Hoernle Kiel, Germany
M. Ikari Bremen, Germany
W.-A. Kahl Bremen, Germany
N. Kaul Bremen, Germany
F. Klein Massachusetts, USA
A. Klügel Bremen, Germany
A. Kopf Bremen, Germany
H. Kuhlmann Bremen, Germany
E. Le Ber Leicester, UK
A. McCaig Leeds, UK
W. Menapace Innsbruck, Austria
J. Millett Oslo, Norway
B. Orcutt Maine, USA
M. Perez-Gussinye Bremen, Germany
S. Petersen Kiel, Germany
U. Röhl Bremen, Germany
M. Rydzy Leicester, UK
J. Pintado-Garcia Bremen, Germany
S. Planke Oslo, Norway
D. Teagle Southampton, UK
C. Vogt Bremen, Germany

Logo ESS 2024
ECORD Summer School
© V. Diekamp, MARUM
© U. Röhl, MARUM


The deadline for applications was on 14 June 2024

Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail about admission in June 2024. After receiving the acceptance letter, admitted participants will have to confirm their participation via email and by payment of the course fee. If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

In case of withdrawal after 1 August 2024, only 50% of the course fee is refunded.

To ensure a most effective training the maximum number of participants will be limited to 30. We aim to comprise a diverse group with participants from all status groups.

ECORD Summer School
© V. Diekamp, MARUM
ECORD Summer School
© U. Röhl, MARUM

Course Fee

The course fee is 150 Euros and includes: lectures and lecture notes; coffee breaks; social dinner. The fee does not include: travel, meals, accommodation.



ECORD provides scholarships for students from ECORD member countries to attend ECORD summer schools.

Applications should be sent to the ESSAC Office. Please, see how to apply for an ECORD Scholarship following this link under `Get a Scholarship` : https://www.ecord.org/education/ - deadline for applications on 14 April 2024


