From Greenhouse to Icehouse - The Cenozoic Arctic Ocean and (global) climate history

4 – 15 September 2023

at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and
the IODP Bremen Core Repository, University of Bremen, Germany

ESS 2023 Titelbild

The Aim

The major goal is to bring PhD students and young Postdocs in touch with IODP at an early stage of their career, inform them about the exciting research within IODP as (I)ODP and DSDP have been proven to be the most successful internationally collaborative research programs in the history of Earth sciences, and to prepare them for future participation in IODP expeditions. Such training will be achieved by taking the summer school participants on a “shipboard simulation” where they get familiarized with a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art analytical technologies and core description and scanning methods according to the high standards of IODP expeditions. In addition, the thematic topic of the summer school will be reviewed by various scientific lectures by the leading experts in the field.


Located on the university campus, MARUM hosts the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR), the only IODP core repository in Europe.

Location and Organization

The ECORD Summer School on “From Greenhouse to Icehouse - The Cenozoic Arctic Ocean and (global) climate history” 2023 will take place from 4 to 15 September 2023 at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen University, Germany. It is organized by Dr. Ursula Röhl, Head of the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR), Dr. Rüdiger Stein, Professor for the Paleoceanography of the Arctic at MARUM, and Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, Graduate Dean of the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR).

MARUM and its International Graduate School for Marine Sciences GLOMAR, as well as the BCR jointly offer the unique training possibilities used for this summer school by providing laboratory and seminar facilities.

MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

The Topic

The Arctic Ocean characterized by strong seasonal forcing and variability in runoff, sea-ice formation, sunlight, and related biological productivity, is (in real time) and was (over historic and geologic time scales) subject to rapid and dramatic change. Due to complex feedback processes (collectively known as “polar amplification”), the Arctic is both a contributor of climate change and a region that will be most affected by global warming. Geological records from the Arctic Ocean document past climatic conditions, rates of change and variability prior to anthropogenic influence, that might represent analogues of our future climate, depending on the different IPCC scenarios. Such records may allow to assess the sensitivity of the Earth’s climate system to changes of different forcing parameters (e.g., atmospheric CO2) and boundary conditions (e.g., plate tectonic settings, presence or absence of major ice sheets, etc.) and to test the reliability of climate models by evaluating their simulations for conditions very different from the modern climate. In this context, the understanding of the long-term Arctic climate history with its change from Greenhouse to Icehouse conditions during the Cenozoic, i.e., the last 66 million years, which will be in the focus of this summer school, is of overall significance.

Preliminary program


Invited Lecturers


A. Bornemann

Hannover, Germany

E. Dallanave

Bremen, Germany

O. Esper

Bremerhaven, Germany

T. Frederichs

Bremen, Germany

W. Geibert

Bremerhaven, Germany
W. Geissler Bremerhaven, Germany

D. Hebbeln

Bremen, Germany

J. Knies

Trondheim, Germany

P. Knutz

Copenhagen, Denmark

M. Kucera

Bremen, Germany

H. Kuhlmann

Bremen, Germany

Z. Li

Bremen, Germany

R. Lucchi

Trieste, Italy

A. McIntyre

Leiceser, UK

J. Matthiessen

Bremerhaven, Germany
J. Müller Bremerhaven, Germany
H. Pälike Bremen, Germany
H.-O. Pörtner Bremerhaven, Germany
M. O´Regan Stockholm, Sweden
U. Röhl

Bremen, Germany

K. Sliwinska Copenhagen, Denmark

R. Stein

Bremen, Germany

K. St. John

Harrisonburg, USA

T. van Peer

Leicester, UK

C. Vogt

Bremen, Germany

E. Weigelt

Bremerhaven, Germany

S. Wiers

Bremen, Germany

and others…

ECORD Summer School
© V. Diekamp, MARUM
© U. Röhl, MARUM


The deadline for applications was on 16 June 2023

Successful applicants were notified by e-mail about admission in June 2022. After receiving the acceptance letter, admitted participants will have to confirm their participation via email and by payment of the course fee. If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

In case of withdrawal after 1 August 2023, only 50% of the course fee is refunded.

To ensure a most effective training the maximum number of participants will be limited to 30. We aim to comprise a diverse group with participants from all status groups.

ECORD Summer School
© V. Diekamp, MARUM
ECORD Summer School
© U. Röhl, MARUM

Course Fee

The course fee is 150 Euros and includes: lectures and lecture notes; coffee breaks; social dinner. The fee does not include: travel, meals, accommodation.


ECORD provides scholarships for students from ECORD member countries to attend ECORD summer schools.

Applications should be sent to the ESSAC Office. Please, see how to apply for an ECORD Scholarship following this link under `Get a Scholarship` : https://www.ecord.org/education/


