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Communicate your Science: Poster Design and Graphical Abstracts

Format Transferable Skills Course

11-13 March 2024

Time Day 1, 11 March: 13.00 - 17.00 hrs.
Day 2, 12 March: 09.00 - 17.00 hrs.
Day 3, 13 March: 09.00 - 15.00 hrs.
Venue MARUM I, room 2070 on days 1+2
MARUM I, room 2060 on day 3
Language English
Lecturers Liesbeth Smit and Stephan van Duin

Target group
MARUM (incl. GLOMAR) members who would like to improve their graphical projects and/or learn about what makes a good graphic to deliver their message
Max. no. of participants 20
Deadline for registration 29 February 2024

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