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Zhao, Xueqin

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Curriculum Vitae


Post­doc, MARUM, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men, Bre­men

Pro­ject: Sub­tro­pi­cal South Af­ri­can hy­dro­cli­ma­te du­ring the mid-Pia­cen­zi­an Warm Pe­ri­od re­cor­ded by fyn­bos ve­ge­ta­ti­on as a test case for cli­ma­te mo­del per­for­mance


Post­doc, MARUM, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men, Bre­men

Pro­ject: Pro­gram­me Ma­roc­co-Al­le­mand pour la re­cher­che sci­en­ti­fi­que (PMARS III) En­vir­on­ment-Cli­mate-Hu­man in­ter­ac­ti­ons in south­ern Mo­roc­co dur­ing the past 2000 ye­ars: in­fer­en­ces from high-res­ol­u­tion mar­ine re­cor­ds


2015.11-2016.08 (par­en­tal lea­ve)

Doc­to­ral Stu­dent, Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy (Pa­ly­no­lo­gy), MARUM, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men, Bre­men
2010.09~2013.07 MSc., Qua­tern­ary Geo­lo­gy, Pe­king Uni­ver­si­ty, Chi­na
2006.09-2010.07 B.S., Geo­sci­en­ces, Nan­jing Uni­ver­si­ty, Chi­na

Re­se­arch In­te­rests

Pa­leo­cli­ma­te and ve­ge­ta­ti­on re­con­struc­tion using pol­len and spo­re
Fire re­gime using char­co­al
Sea sur­face con­di­ti­on using di­n­of­la­gel­la­te cysts


Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Ched­da­di, R., Köl­ling, M., Red­dad, H., Gro­ene­veld, J., Ain-Lhout, FZ., Boui­me­tar­han, I. 2019. Re­cent cli­ma­tic and an­thro­po­ge­nic im­pacts on en­de­mic spe­cies in sou­thwes­tern Mo­roc­co. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views, 221,

Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Schefuß, E., Ro­byn Gran­ger, We­fer, G. 2019. Late Ho­lo­ce­ne ocea­nic va­ria­bi­li­ty in the sou­thern Ben­gue­la re­gi­on dri­ven by in­ter­play of up­wel­ling, flu­vi­al and Agul­has le­a­ka­ge. The Ho­lo­ce­ne, 29(2):219-230,

Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Schefuß, E., Il­ham Boui­me­tar­han., We­fer, G., 2017. Pa­ly­no­lo­gi­cal evi­dence for Ho­lo­ce­ne cli­ma­tic and ocea­no­gra­phic chan­ges off wes­tern South Af­ri­ca. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views, 165: 88-101, http://​​10.1016/​j.qua­sci­rev.2017.04.022.

Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Schefuß, E., Mea­dows, ME., Hahn, A., We­fer, G., 2016. Ho­lo­ce­ne ve­ge­ta­ti­on and cli­ma­te va­ria­bi­li­ty in the win­ter and sum­mer rain­fall zo­nes of South Af­ri­ca. The Ho­lo­ce­ne, doi:10.1177/​0959683615622544.

Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Mea­dows, ME., We­fer, G., 2015. Pol­len dis­tri­bu­ti­on in the ma­ri­ne sur­face se­di­ments of the mud­belt along the west co­ast of South Af­ri­ca. Qua­tern­ary In­ter­na­tio­nal, http://​​10.1016/​j.quaint.2015.09.032.

Master work:
Li, Y., Niel­sen, A. B., Zhao, X., Shan, L., Wang, S., Wu, J., Zhou, L., 2015. Pol­len pro­duc­tion esti­ma­tes (PPEs) and fall speeds for ma­jor tree taxa and re­le­vant sour­ce are­as of pol­len (RSAP) in Chang­bai Moun­tain, nor­theas­tern Chi­na. Re­view of Pa­laeo­bo­ta­ny and Pa­ly­no­lo­gy, 216:92-100.


Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Mea­dows, M.E., Schefuß, E., We­fer, G., 2017. Ho­lo­ce­ne cli­ma­tic va­ria­bi­li­ty and ocea­no­gra­phic chan­ges off wes­tern South Af­ri­ca. EGU Ge­ne­ral As­sem­bly 2017, Vi­en­na, Aus­tria.

Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Schefuß, E., Mea­dows, M.E., Hahn, A., We­fer, G., 2014. Ho­lo­ce­ne ve­ge­ta­ti­on and cli­ma­te va­ria­bi­li­ty bet­ween win­ter and sum­mer rain­fall zo­nes of South Af­ri­ca. Geo­F­rank­furt 2014, Frank­furt a.M., Ger­ma­ny.

Zhao, X., Du­pont, L., Mea­dows, M.E., We­fer, G., 2015. Pol­len dis­tri­bu­ti­on in the mud­belt sur­face se­di­ments off­shore wes­tern of sou­thern Af­ri­ca. AF­QUA 2015, Cape Town, South Af­ri­ca.

Re­se­arch stay

2015.01-2015.03, re­se­arch stay in the group of Prof. Dr. Mi­cha­el E. Mea­dows, at the De­part­ment of En­vi­ron­men­tal and Geo­gra­phi­cal Sci­ence, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cape Town.