Zhao, Xueqin

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Curriculum Vitae


Postdoc, MARUM, University of Bremen, Bremen

Project: Subtropical South African hydroclimate during the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period recorded by fynbos vegetation as a test case for climate model performance


Postdoc, MARUM, University of Bremen, Bremen

Project: Programme Marocco-Allemand pour la recherche scientifique (PMARS III) En­vir­on­ment-Cli­mate-Hu­man in­ter­ac­tions in south­ern Mo­rocco dur­ing the past 2000 years: in­fer­ences from high-res­ol­u­tion mar­ine re­cords


2015.11-2016.08 (parental leave)

Doctoral Student, Marine Geology (Palynology), MARUM, University of Bremen, Bremen
2010.09~2013.07 MSc., Quaternary Geology, Peking University, China
2006.09-2010.07 B.S., Geosciences, Nanjing University, China

Research Interests

Paleoclimate and vegetation reconstruction using pollen and spore
Fire regime using charcoal
Sea surface condition using dinoflagellate cysts


Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Cheddadi, R., Kölling, M., Reddad, H., Groeneveld, J., Ain-Lhout, FZ., Bouimetarhan, I. 2019. Recent climatic and anthropogenic impacts on endemic species in southwestern Morocco. Quaternary Science Reviews, 221, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105889.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Schefuß, E., Robyn Granger, Wefer, G. 2019. Late Holocene oceanic variability in the southern Benguela region driven by interplay of upwelling, fluvial and Agulhas leakage. The Holocene, 29(2):219-230, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683618810396.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Schefuß, E., Ilham Bouimetarhan., Wefer, G., 2017. Palynological evidence for Holocene climatic and oceanographic changes off western South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews, 165: 88-101, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.04.022.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Schefuß, E., Meadows, ME., Hahn, A., Wefer, G., 2016. Holocene vegetation and climate variability in the winter and summer rainfall zones of South Africa. The Holocene, doi:10.1177/0959683615622544.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Meadows, ME., Wefer, G., 2015. Pollen distribution in the marine surface sediments of the mudbelt along the west coast of South Africa. Quaternary International, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.09.032.

Master work:
Li, Y., Nielsen, A. B., Zhao, X., Shan, L., Wang, S., Wu, J., Zhou, L., 2015. Pollen production estimates (PPEs) and fall speeds for major tree taxa and relevant source areas of pollen (RSAP) in Changbai Mountain, northeastern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 216:92-100.


Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Meadows, M.E., Schefuß, E., Wefer, G., 2017. Holocene climatic variability and oceanographic changes off western South Africa. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Schefuß, E., Meadows, M.E., Hahn, A., Wefer, G., 2014. Holocene vegetation and climate variability between winter and summer rainfall zones of South Africa. GeoFrankfurt 2014, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Meadows, M.E., Wefer, G., 2015. Pollen distribution in the mudbelt surface sediments offshore western of southern Africa. AFQUA 2015, Cape Town, South Africa.

Research stay

2015.01-2015.03, research stay in the group of Prof. Dr. Michael E. Meadows, at the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town.