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Sichert, Andreas

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

PhD project:

Ma­ri­ne po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des are thought to be fast-food for mi­cro­bes. Howe­ver, po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des can also ac­cu­mu­la­te in sea­wa­ter and se­di­ments. We in­ves­ti­ga­te fac­tors that in­flu­ence the re­ac­tivi­ty of po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des and ask whe­ther they can be a sink in the glo­bal car­bon cy­cle.
Our aim is to link po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de struc­tu­re to its tur­no­ver rate by mi­cro­bes. We use de­fi­ned po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des and cul­ti­va­ted iso­la­tes to iden­ti­fy li­mi­ta­ti­ons for fast po­ly­sac­cha­ri­de de­gra­da­ti­on. The abili­ty of mi­cro­bes to di­gest tho­se sub­stra­tes is pro­bed with ge­no­mics, pro­teo­mics, phy­sio­lo­gi­cal ex­pe­ri­ments and en­zy­me as­says in the la­bo­ra­to­ry and in the en­vi­ron­ment.

Re­se­arch In­te­rests:

  • Marine glycobiology
  • Polysaccharide composition of microalgae
  • Carbohydrate active enzymes & structural biology
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Microbial physiology
  • Marine carbon cycle


sin­ce 10/​2016

Ph.D. student in the “Ma­ri­ne Gly­co­bio­lo­gy” group of Dr. Jan-Hen­drik Hehe­mann at the MARUM/​MPI MM Bre­men
Topic: Fu­co­idan de­gra­da­ti­on by ma­ri­ne bac­te­ria

10/​2014 - 03/​2016

Master of Science de­gree at the In­ter­na­tio­nal Max-Planck Re­se­arch School of Ma­ri­ne Mi­cro­bio­lo­gy (Mar­Mic) in Bre­men
Master Thesis in the Re­se­arch group “Ma­ri­ne Gly­co­bio­lo­gy” Dr. Jan-Hen­drik Hehe­mann at the MARUM/​MPI MM Bre­men
"Cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of bac­te­ri­al en­zy­mes de­gra­ding sul­fa­ted po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des from al­gae"

10/​2010 - 09/​2014

Bachelor of Honour's de­gree at the LMU Mu­nich
Bachelor thesis in the Re­se­arch group “Syn­the­tic Bio­lo­gy” Prof. Dr. Thors­ten Ma­scher at the LMU Mu­nich, fa­cul­ty of bio­lo­gy, mi­cro­bio­lo­gy
"In­flu­ence of glo­bal re­gu­la­tors on the in­trin­sic in­duc­tion of the Li­aRS two-com­po­nent sys­tem in Ba­cil­lus sub­ti­lis at the sin­gle-cell le­vel"

12/​2013 - 09/​2014

Mem­ber of the LMU-Munich iGEM Team 2014, Pro­ject: BaK­il­lus, the pa­tho­gen-hun­ting mi­cro­be


Vol­pi, M., B. Lom­stein, A. Si­chert, H. Røy, B. Jør­gen­sen, andK. Kjeld­sen. 2017. Iden­ti­ty, ab­un­dance and re­ac­tiva­ti­on­ki­ne­tics of ther­mo­phi­lic fer­men­ta­ti­ve en­do­spo­res in cold­ma­ri­ne se­di­ment and sea­wa­ter. Front. Mi­cro­bi­ol. 8: 1–13. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00131