Sichert, Andreas

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PhD project:

Marine polysaccharides are thought to be fast-food for microbes. However, polysaccharides can also accumulate in seawater and sediments. We investigate factors that influence the reactivity of polysaccharides and ask whether they can be a sink in the global carbon cycle.
Our aim is to link polysaccharide structure to its turnover rate by microbes. We use defined polysaccharides and cultivated isolates to identify limitations for fast polysaccharide degradation. The ability of microbes to digest those substrates is probed with genomics, proteomics, physiological experiments and enzyme assays in the laboratory and in the environment.

Re­se­arch In­te­rests:

  • Marine glycobiology
  • Polysaccharide composition of microalgae
  • Carbohydrate active enzymes & structural biology
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Microbial physiology
  • Marine carbon cycle


since 10/2016

Ph.D. student in the “Marine Glycobiology” group of Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann at the MARUM/MPI MM Bremen
Topic: Fucoidan degradation by marine bacteria

10/2014 - 03/2016

Master of Science degree at the International Max-Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology (MarMic) in Bremen
Master Thesis in the Research group “Marine Glycobiology” Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann at the MARUM/MPI MM Bremen
"Characterization of bacterial enzymes degrading sulfated polysaccharides from algae"

10/2010 - 09/2014

Bachelor of Honour's degree at the LMU Munich
Bachelor thesis in the Research group “Synthetic Biology” Prof. Dr. Thorsten Mascher at the LMU Munich, faculty of biology, microbiology
"Influence of global regulators on the intrinsic induction of the LiaRS two-component system in Bacillus subtilis at the single-cell level"

12/2013 - 09/2014

Member of the LMU-Munich iGEM Team 2014, Project: BaKillus, the pathogen-hunting microbe


Volpi, M., B. Lomstein, A. Sichert, H. Røy, B. Jørgensen, andK. Kjeldsen. 2017. Identity, abundance and reactivationkinetics of thermophilic fermentative endospores in coldmarine sediment and seawater. Front. Microbiol. 8: 1–13. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00131