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Dr. Charlotte Miller

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

I am a tro­pi­cal pa­ly­no­lo­gist and or­ga­nic geo­che­mist who is in­te­rested in ve­ge­ta­ti­on re­s­pon­se over epi­so­des of glo­bal cli­ma­te chan­ge on va­rious time­sca­les, whe­ther it be Qua­tern­ary or deep-time.

Through the use of com­pound spe­ci­fic iso­to­pe geo­che­mis­try, I cur­rent­ly in­ves­ti­ga­te hy­dro­lo­gi­cal chan­ges and ve­ge­ta­ti­on dy­na­mics at the eas­tern mar­gin of South Af­ri­ca in ma­ri­ne and ter­restri­al ar­chi­ves through the late Qua­tern­ary.

RAiN page
Eco­lo­gy of the Past blog
@Lot­tie­pol­len (twit­ter)

I am also one of the PA­GES (Past Glo­bal Chan­ges) ECN (Ear­ly Ca­re­er Net­work) re­gio­nal re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves for Ger­ma­ny. Check out our web­site (link be­low), Face­book and Twit­ter ac­counts for more in­for­ma­ti­on on the PA­GES ECN!


Es­te­ban, I., Bam­ford, M., Miller, C., Neu­mann, F., Schefuß, E., Par­ge­ter, J., Caw­thra, H., Fis­her, E., 2019 A mul­ti-pro­xy ap­proach for cou­pling pa­laeo­en­vi­ron­ments to plant-fo­r­a­ging hun­ter-gathe­rer be­ha­viours from MIS 3 to the Ho­lo­ce­ne in co­as­tal Pon­do­land, South Af­ri­ca (sub­mit­ted to Qua­tern­ary Re­se­arch).

Ol­sen, P., Geiss­man, J., Kent, D., Geh­rels, G., Mun­dil, R., Ir­mis, R., Lep­re, C., Kürsch­ner, W., Ras­mus­sen, C., Gies­ler, D., Par­ker, W., Zak­ha­ro­va, N., Kürsch­ner, W., Miller, C., Ba­ranyi, V., Schal­ler, M., Whi­te­si­de, J., Schnur­ren­ber­ger, D., No­ren, A., Shan­non, K., O’Gra­dy, R., Col­bert, M., Mais­a­na, J., Edey, D., Kin­ney, S. 2018. Co­lo­ra­do Pla­teau Co­ring Pro­ject, Pha­se I (CPCP-I): A con­ti­nuous­ly co­red, glo­bal­ly ex­por­ta­ble chro­no­lo­gy of Tri­as­sic con­ti­nen­tal en­vi­ron­men­tal chan­ge from Wes­tern North Ame­ri­ca. Sci­en­ti­fic Dril­ling, Sci. Dril., 24, 15-40.

Hahn, A., Mil­ler, C., Andó, S., Boui­me­tar­han, I., Caw­thra, HC, Green, AN, Radeff, G., Schefuss, E., Za­bel, M. 2018. The pro­ven­an­ce of ter­ri­ge­nous com­po­n­ents in Ma­ri­ne se­di­ments along the east co­ast of sou­thern Af­ri­ca. Geo­che­mis­try, Geo­phy­sics, Geo­sys­tems.

Ba­ranyi, V., Mil­ler, C., Ruf­fell, A., Hounslow, M., Kürsch­ner, W., 2018. A con­ti­nen­tal re­cord of the Car­ni­an Plu­vi­al Epi­so­de (CPE) from the Mer­cia Muds­to­ne Group (UK): pa­ly­no­lo­gy and cli­ma­tic im­pli­ca­ti­ons. Jour­nal of the Geo­lo­gi­cal So­cie­ty.

Mil­ler, C., Pe­ter­se, F., da Sil­va, AC, Ba­ranyi, V., Reich­art, GJ., Kur­sch­ner, W., 2017. As­tro­no­mi­cal age cons­traints and extinc­tion me­cha­nisms of the Late Tri­as­sic Car­ni­an Cri­sis. Na­tu­re Sci­en­ti­fic Re­ports 7, 2557.

Jar­di­ne, PE, Fra­ser WT, Lo­max, BH, Se­ph­ton, MA, Sha­nahan, TM, Mil­ler, CS , Gos­ling, WD, 2016. Pol­len and spo­res as bio­lo­gi­cal re­cor­ders of past ul­tra­vio­let ir­ra­di­an­ce. Na­tu­re Sci­en­ti­fic Re­ports 6.

Mil­ler, C., Gos­ling, W., Kemp, D., Coe, A., Gil­mour, I., 2016. Dri­vers of eco­sys­tem and cli­ma­te chan­ge in the tro­pi­cal West Af­ri­ca over the past ~ 540,000 ye­ars. Jour­nal of Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence.

Sha­nahan, T., Hug­hen, K., Over­peck, J., McK­ay, N., Scholz, C., Peck, J., King, J., Heil, C., Gos­ling, W., Mil­ler, C. 2016 CO2 and fire­facts tro­pi­cal eco­sys­tem sta­bi­li­ty in re­s­pon­se to cli­ma­te chan­ge. Na­tu­re Sci­en­ti­fic Re­ports 6, 1-8.

Mil­ler, C., Le­roy, S., Col­lins, P., La­hi­ja­ni. H., 2016. Late Ho­lo­ce­ne ve­ge­ta­ti­on and oce­an va­ria­bi­li­ty in the Gulf of Oman. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views 143, 120-132.

Keen, HF, Gos­ling, W., Mon­toya, E., Han­ke, F., Mil­ler, C. , Va­len­cia, BJ, Wil­li­ams, JY 2014. A sta­tis­ti­cal sub-sam­pling tool for extrac­ting ve­ge­ta­ti­on and di­ver­si­ty in­for­ma­ti­on from pol­len as­sem­bla­ge data, Pa­laeo­geo­gra­phy, Pa­laeo­cli­ma­to­lo­gy, Pa­laeo­e­co­lo­gy 84, 48-59.

Mil­ler, C., Gos­ling, W., Kemp, D., 2014. Late Qua­tern­ary in­ter­gla­ci­al fo­rest as­so­cia­ti­ons in low­land tro­pi­cal West Af­ri­ca. In­vi­ted re­view to Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views 84, 7-25.

Gos­ling, W., Mil­ler, C., Li­vings­to­ne, D., 2013. At­las of the tro­pi­cal West Af­ri­can pol­len flo­ra. Re­view of Pa­laeo­bo­ta­ny and Pa­ly­no­lo­gy 199, 1-135.

Mil­ler, C. , Le­roy, S., Izon, G., La­hi­ja­ni, H., Mar­ret, F., Cun­dy, A., Tees­da­le, P., 2013. Pa­ly­no­lo­gy: A tool to iden­ti­fy ab­rupt events? An ex­amp­le from Cha­ba­har Bay, sou­thern Iran. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy, 337, 195-201.

Le­roy, S., La­hi­ja­ni, H., Dja­ma­li, M., Naqi­nez­had, A., Mo­g­ha­dam, M., Arpe, K., Shah Hoss­ei­ni, M. Hoss­ein­doust M., Mil­ler, C. , Ta­va­ko­li, V., Ha­bi­bi , P., Nade­ri Beni, M., 2011. Late Litt­le Ice Age pa­laeo­en­vi­ron­men­tal re­cor­ds from the An­za­li and Amir­ko­la La­goons (South Caspian Sea): Ve­ge­ta­ti­on and sea le­vel chan­ges. Pa­laeo­geo­gra­phy, Pa­laeo­cli­ma­to­lo­gy, Pa­laeo­e­co­lo­gy 302, 415-434.

Le­roy, S., Mar­co, S., Book­man, R., Mil­ler, C., 2009. Im­pact of ear­t­h­qua­kes on agri­cul­tu­re du­ring the Ro­man-By­zan­ti­ne pe­ri­od from the Dead Sea la­mi­na­ted se­di­ment. Qua­tern­ary Re­se­arch 73, 191-200.