Dr. Charlotte Miller

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I am a tropical palynologist and organic geochemist who is interested in vegetation response over episodes of global climate change on various timescales, whether it be Quaternary or deep-time.

Through the use of compound specific isotope geochemistry, I currently investigate hydrological changes and vegetation dynamics at the eastern margin of South Africa in marine and terrestrial archives through the late Quaternary.

RAiN page
Ecology of the Past blog
@Lottiepollen (twitter)

I am also one of the PAGES (Past Global Changes) ECN (Early Career Network) regional representatives for Germany. Check out our website (link below), Facebook and Twitter accounts for more information on the PAGES ECN!



Esteban, I., Bamford, M., Miller, C., Neumann, F., Schefuß, E., Pargeter, J., Cawthra, H., Fisher, E., 2019 A multi-proxy approach for coupling palaeoenvironments to plant-foraging hunter-gatherer behaviours from MIS 3 to the Holocene in coastal Pondoland, South Africa (submitted to Quaternary Research).

Olsen, P., Geissman, J., Kent, D., Gehrels, G., Mundil, R., Irmis, R., Lepre, C., Kürschner, W., Rasmussen, C., Giesler, D., Parker, W., Zakharova, N., Kürschner, W., Miller, C., Baranyi, V., Schaller, M., Whiteside, J., Schnurrenberger, D., Noren, A., Shannon, K., O’Grady, R., Colbert, M., Maisana, J., Edey, D., Kinney, S. 2018. Colorado Plateau Coring Project, Phase I (CPCP-I): A continuously cored, globally exportable chronology of Triassic continental environmental change from Western North America. Scientific Drilling, Sci. Dril., 24, 15-40.

Hahn, A., Miller, C., Andó, S., Bouimetarhan, I., Cawthra, HC, Green, AN, Radeff, G., Schefuss, E., Zabel, M. 2018. The provenance of terrigenous components in Marine sediments along the east coast of southern Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

Baranyi, V., Miller, C., Ruffell, A., Hounslow, M., Kürschner, W., 2018. A continental record of the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) from the Mercia Mudstone Group (UK): palynology and climatic implications. Journal of the Geological Society.

Miller, C., Peterse, F., da Silva, AC, Baranyi, V., Reichart, GJ., Kurschner, W., 2017. Astronomical age constraints and extinction mechanisms of the Late Triassic Carnian Crisis. Nature Scientific Reports 7, 2557.

Jardine, PE, Fraser WT, Lomax, BH, Sephton, MA, Shanahan, TM, Miller, CS , Gosling, WD, 2016. Pollen and spores as biological recorders of past ultraviolet irradiance. Nature Scientific Reports 6.

Miller, C., Gosling, W., Kemp, D., Coe, A., Gilmour, I., 2016. Drivers of ecosystem and climate change in the tropical West Africa over the past ~ 540,000 years. Journal of Quaternary Science.

Shanahan, T., Hughen, K., Overpeck, J., McKay, N., Scholz, C., Peck, J., King, J., Heil, C., Gosling, W., Miller, C. 2016 CO2 and firefacts tropical ecosystem stability in response to climate change. Nature Scientific Reports 6, 1-8.

Miller, C., Leroy, S., Collins, P., Lahijani. H., 2016. Late Holocene vegetation and ocean variability in the Gulf of Oman. Quaternary Science Reviews 143, 120-132.

Keen, HF, Gosling, W., Montoya, E., Hanke, F., Miller, C. , Valencia, BJ, Williams, JY 2014. A statistical sub-sampling tool for extracting vegetation and diversity information from pollen assemblage data, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 84, 48-59.

Miller, C., Gosling, W., Kemp, D., 2014. Late Quaternary interglacial forest associations in lowland tropical West Africa. Invited review to Quaternary Science Reviews 84, 7-25.

Gosling, W., Miller, C., Livingstone, D., 2013. Atlas of the tropical West African pollen flora. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 199, 1-135.

Miller, C. , Leroy, S., Izon, G., Lahijani, H., Marret, F., Cundy, A., Teesdale, P., 2013. Palynology: A tool to identify abrupt events? An example from Chabahar Bay, southern Iran. Marine Geology, 337, 195-201.

Leroy, S., Lahijani, H., Djamali, M., Naqinezhad, A., Moghadam, M., Arpe, K., Shah Hosseini, M. Hosseindoust M., Miller, C. , Tavakoli, V., Habibi , P., Naderi Beni, M., 2011. Late Little Ice Age palaeoenvironmental records from the Anzali and Amirkola Lagoons (South Caspian Sea): Vegetation and sea level changes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302, 415-434.

Leroy, S., Marco, S., Bookman, R., Miller, C., 2009. Impact of earthquakes on agriculture during the Roman-Byzantine period from the Dead Sea laminated sediment. Quaternary Research 73, 191-200.