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a) Ma­ri­ne geo­lo­gy and cli­ma­to­lo­gy

Ko­tov, S., Ko­to­va, I. & Kayu­ko­va, E. Geo­lo­gi­cal con­trols and the im­pact of hu­man so­cie­ty on the com­po­si­ti­on of pe­lo­ids of pre­sent-day salt lakes (co­as­tal zo­nes of the Black, Azov, and Dead Seas). J Co­ast Con­serv (2019). https://​​10.1007/​s11852-019-00688-w

S. Ko­tov, H. Pä­li­ke, En­han­ced Prin­ci­pal Ten­sor Ana­ly­sis as a tool for 3-way geo­lo­gi­cal data re­con­struc­tions. Com­pu­ters & Geo­sci­en­ses, 2018.

Ko­to­va I.K., Ko­tov S.R., Kayu­ko­va E.P., Mor­duk­hai-Bol­tovs­ka­ya L.V. The im­pact of en­vi­ron­men­tal and an­thro­po­ge­nic fac­tors on com­po­si­ti­on of pe­lo­ids in mo­dern salt lakes. Vest­nik SPb­SU. Earth Sci­en­ces, 2017, vol. 62, is­sue 2, pp. 172–191. DOI: 10.21638/​11701/​spbu07.2017.204 (in Rus­si­an)

Mar­ti­nez, M., Ko­tov, S., De Vlee­schou­wer, D., Pas, D., and Pä­li­ke, H.: Tes­ting the im­pact of stra­ti­gra­phic un­cer­tain­ty on spec­tral ana­ly­ses of se­di­men­ta­ry se­ries, Clim. Past, 12, 1765-1783, doi:10.5194/​cp-12-1765-2016, 2016.

Ko­to­va, I., Kayu­ko­va, E. & Ko­tov, S. Pe­lo­ids of Cri­me­an salt lakes and the Dead Sea: con­trols on com­po­si­ti­on and for­ma­ti­on// En­vi­ron Earth Sci (2016) 75: 1207. doi:10.1007/​s12665-016-5999-1

Jan Harff, Ru­dolf End­ler, Emel Emelya­nov, Ser­gey Ko­tov, Tho­mas Lei­pe, Mat­thi­as Mo­ros, Ri­car­do Olea, Mi­chal Tom­cz­ak, and An­drzej Wit­kow­ski, Late Qua­tern­ary Cli­ma­te Va­ria­ti­ons Re­flec­ted in Bal­tic Sea Se­di­ments, In: The Bal­tic Sea Ba­sin, Harff, Jan; Björck, Svan­te; Hoth, Peer (Eds.), Sprin­ger, 2011, p. 99-132

Ko­tov S.R., Harff J. A Com­pa­ri­son of Green­land Ice and Bal­tic Sea Se­di­ment Re­cord: a Cont­ri­bu­ti­on to Cli­ma­te Chan­ge Ana­ly­sis// Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Geo­lo­gy, v. 38, N. 6, 2006

Ko­tov S.R. Dy­na­mics of Glo­bal Cli­ma­tic Chan­ges and Pos­si­bi­li­ty of Their Pre­dic­tion Using Che­mi­cal Data from Green­land Ice// Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Geo­lo­gy, V.35, N4, 2003.

Ko­tov S.R. Near-Term Cli­ma­te Pre­dic­tion Using Ice-Core Data from Green­land// In: Geo­lo­gi­cal Cons­traints on Glo­bal Cli­ma­te, edi­ted by L.C.Ger­hard, W.E.Har­ri­son, and B.M.Han­son, AAPG, 2001, p. 305-316.

b) Hard rock geo­lo­gy

Ko­to­va I., Gor­don F., Ko­tov S. Struc­tu­re and com­po­si­ti­on of Pit­ka­ran­ta sui­te rocks in the area of stra­ti­form sulfide-skar­no­id mi­ne­ra­liza­t­i­on (North-East frame of Im­pil­ach­ti dome, Nort­hern La­do­ga co­ast)// Vest­nik St. Pe­ters­burg Uni­ver­si­ty, Ser. 7, 2011, Is­sue 4, P. 28–49. (in Rus­si­an)

Ko­tov S.R., Ko­to­va I.K. Li­quid and crys­tal­li­ne dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on as the pro­ces­ses de­ter­mi­ning the struc­tu­re of con­trast laye­ring of Kiv­ak­ka mas­sif (Nort­hern Ka­re­lia)// Bul­le­tin of SPb Un., Ser. 7, N.7, 2003, p. 46-63 (in Rus­si­an)

Ko­tov S.R., Be­rend­sen P. Sta­tis­ti­cal cha­rac­te­ris­tics of xe­no­liths in the An­tioch kim­ber­li­te pipe, Mar­shall Coun­ty, nor­theast Kan­sas// Na­tu­ral Re­cour­ses Re­se­arch, V.11, N4, 2002, p. 289-298

Ko­tov S.R. Frac­tal and sto­chas­tic pro­per­ties of rhyth­mic laye­ring in ma­fic in­tru­si­ons in the frame of the mo­del of li­quid laye­ring of the melt // Ca­pri­cious Earth: Mo­dels and mo­del­ling of geo­lo­gi­cal pro­ces­ses and ob­jects, St. Pe­ters­burg – Athens: Theo­phras­tus Pu­bli­ca­ti­on, 2000, p. 156-165.

Ko­to­va I.K., Ko­tov S.R., Buckin K.V., Vi­sots­ky Yu.A. Pro­ces­ses con­trol­ling the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of che­mi­cal ele­ments in the laye­red mas­sif Kiv­ak­ka (Nort­hern Ka­re­lia). In book: Ge­ne­ra­ti­on and lo­ca­liza­t­i­on of ores in Earth crust. St-Pe­ters­burg, 1999, p.217-230. (in Rus­si­an)

Ko­tov S.R. Struc­tu­re of con­trast laye­ring of “cri­ti­cal” zo­nes of ma­fic-ul­tra­ma­fic in­tru­si­ons Kiv­ak­ka an Bush­veld: cha­rac­te­ris­tics, ori­gin : PhD the­sis (04.00.08) Saint-Pe­ters­burg., 1999 (in Rus­si­an)

Iva­nov D.N., Ko­tov S.R. Me­tablas­te­sis as the tex­tu­re-for­ming pro­cess in some to­na­li­tes.Theo­phras­tus Cont­ri­bu­ti­ons to Ad­van­ced Stu­dies in Geo­lo­gy, 1996, v.1, p.113-124.

Iva­nov D.N., Ko­tov S.R., Faas A.V. On mu­tu­al ar­ran­ge­ment of quart­zand po­tas­si­um feld­spar grains in gra­ni­tes of Left-Om­suk­chan mas­sif (Ma­g­adan re­gi­on). Ann.Mi­ner.Soc.USSR, 1991, v.120, p.51-56. (in Rus­si­an)