Selected publications

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a) Marine geology and climatology

Kotov, S., Kotova, I. & Kayukova, E. Geological controls and the impact of human society on the composition of peloids of present-day salt lakes (coastal zones of the Black, Azov, and Dead Seas). J Coast Conserv (2019).

S. Kotov, H. Pälike, Enhanced Principal Tensor Analysis as a tool for 3-way geological data reconstructions. Computers & Geoscienses, 2018.

Kotova I.K., Kotov S.R., Kayukova E.P., Mordukhai-Boltovskaya L.V. The impact of environmental and anthropogenic factors on composition of peloids in modern salt lakes. Vestnik SPbSU. Earth Sciences, 2017, vol. 62, issue 2, pp. 172–191. DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu07.2017.204 (in Russian)

Martinez, M., Kotov, S., De Vleeschouwer, D., Pas, D., and Pälike, H.: Testing the impact of stratigraphic uncertainty on spectral analyses of sedimentary series, Clim. Past, 12, 1765-1783, doi:10.5194/cp-12-1765-2016, 2016.

Kotova, I., Kayukova, E. & Kotov, S. Peloids of Crimean salt lakes and the Dead Sea: controls on composition and formation// Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75: 1207. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5999-1

Jan Harff, Rudolf Endler, Emel Emelyanov, Sergey Kotov, Thomas Leipe, Matthias Moros, Ricardo Olea, Michal Tomczak, and Andrzej Witkowski, Late Quaternary Climate Variations Reflected in Baltic Sea Sediments, In: The Baltic Sea Basin, Harff, Jan; Björck, Svante; Hoth, Peer (Eds.), Springer, 2011, p. 99-132

Kotov S.R., Harff J. A Comparison of Greenland Ice and Baltic Sea Sediment Record: a Contribution to Climate Change Analysis// Mathematical Geology, v. 38, N. 6, 2006

Kotov S.R. Dynamics of Global Climatic Changes and Possibility of Their Prediction Using Chemical Data from Greenland Ice// Mathematical Geology, V.35, N4, 2003.

Kotov S.R. Near-Term Climate Prediction Using Ice-Core Data from Greenland// In: Geological Constraints on Global Climate, edited by L.C.Gerhard, W.E.Harrison, and B.M.Hanson, AAPG, 2001, p. 305-316.

b) Hard rock geology

Kotova I., Gordon F., Kotov S. Structure and composition of Pitkaranta suite rocks in the area of stratiform sulfide-skarnoid mineralization (North-East frame of Impilachti dome, Northern Ladoga coast)// Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Ser. 7, 2011, Issue 4, P. 28–49. (in Russian)

Kotov S.R., Kotova I.K. Liquid and crystalline differentiation as the processes determining the structure of contrast layering of Kivakka massif (Northern Karelia)// Bulletin of SPb Un., Ser. 7, N.7, 2003, p. 46-63 (in Russian)

Kotov S.R., Berendsen P. Statistical characteristics of xenoliths in the Antioch kimberlite pipe, Marshall County, northeast Kansas// Natural Recourses Research, V.11, N4, 2002, p. 289-298

Kotov S.R. Fractal and stochastic properties of rhythmic layering in mafic intrusions in the frame of the model of liquid layering of the melt // Capricious Earth: Models and modelling of geological processes and objects, St. Petersburg – Athens: Theophrastus Publication, 2000, p. 156-165.

Kotova I.K., Kotov S.R., Buckin K.V., Visotsky Yu.A. Processes controlling the distribution of chemical elements in the layered massif Kivakka (Northern Karelia). In book: Generation and localization of ores in Earth crust. St-Petersburg, 1999, p.217-230. (in Russian)

Kotov S.R. Structure of contrast layering of “critical” zones of mafic-ultramafic intrusions Kivakka an Bushveld: characteristics, origin : PhD thesis (04.00.08) Saint-Petersburg., 1999 (in Russian)

Ivanov D.N., Kotov S.R. Metablastesis as the texture-forming process in some tonalites.Theophrastus Contributions to Advanced Studies in Geology, 1996, v.1, p.113-124.

Ivanov D.N., Kotov S.R., Faas A.V. On mutual arrangement of quartzand potassium feldspar grains in granites of Left-Omsukchan massif (Magadan region). Ann.Miner.Soc.USSR, 1991, v.120, p.51-56. (in Russian)