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Pro­gramming using Ba­sic, For­tran, Pas­cal, Del­phi, C++, HTML, php, SQL, Mat­lab, R, Py­thon, Lab­View. Da­ta­ba­ses ma­nage­ment and map­ping (MyS­QL, Ac­cess, Couch­ba­se, Ar­cGIS, Ma­p­In­fo, Geo­soft). Tra­di­tio­nal me­thods of geo­lo­gi­cal stu­dy, pe­tro­gra­phic and geo­che­mi­cal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­on of acid and ma­fic-ul­tra­ma­fic rocks, stu­dies in Bal­tic Sea geo­lo­gy and cli­ma­te chan­ges; ma­the­ma­ti­cal geo­lo­gy and me­thods of ma­the­ma­ti­cal mo­de­ling of geo­lo­gi­cal pro­ces­ses. Teaching ex­pe­ri­ence: lec­tu­res on ma­the­ma­ti­cal sta­tis­tics for ba­che­lors (1994) and ori­gi­nal lec­tu­res on ma­the­ma­ti­cal geo­lo­gy for mas­ters (1995, 1998, 2001, 2011) at the Geo­lo­gi­cal De­part­ment of St-Pe­ters­burg Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty, Rus­sia, lec­tu­res on Time Se­ries Ana­ly­sis for mas­ters at Greifs­wald Uni­ver­si­ty, Ger­ma­ny (2005), lec­tu­res on Ge­ne­ral Geo­lo­gy at the geo­gra­phi­cal de­part­ment of Sta­te Pe­dago­gi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty, St. Pe­ters­burg, Rus­sia (2008). Mem­ber of Stu­dent Af­fairs Com­mit­tee of In­ter­na­tio­nal As­so­cia­ti­on for Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Geo­lo­gy (IAMG), 2005-2008.

Ma­ri­ne geo­lo­gy ex­pe­ri­ence:
Sci­en­ti­fic crui­ses - Bal­tic, Okhotsk and Ja­pa­ne­se Sea. Bot­tom se­di­ments sam­pling, wa­ter sam­pling with ba­tho­me­ters and CTD pro­bes, ope­ra­ti­on on seis­mo-acousti­cal pro­fi­lers.
On-shore tasks - se­di­ment sam­ples and co­res de­scrip­ti­on, sta­tis­ti­cal pro­ces­sing of gra­nu­lo­metric and geo­che­mi­cal data, time se­ries ana­ly­sis of long core pro­xies, map­ping (Ar­cGIS, Oa­sis), da­tab­an­king (MyS­QL, Ac­cess), seis­mo-acoustics in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on, re­porting.