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Programming using Basic, Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C++, HTML, php, SQL, Matlab, R, Python, LabView. Databases management and mapping (MySQL, Access, Couchbase, ArcGIS, MapInfo, Geosoft). Traditional methods of geological study, petrographic and geochemical investigation of acid and mafic-ultramafic rocks, studies in Baltic Sea geology and climate changes; mathematical geology and methods of mathematical modeling of geological processes. Teaching experience: lectures on mathematical statistics for bachelors (1994) and original lectures on mathematical geology for masters (1995, 1998, 2001, 2011) at the Geological Department of St-Petersburg State University, Russia, lectures on Time Series Analysis for masters at Greifswald University, Germany (2005), lectures on General Geology at the geographical department of State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia (2008). Member of Student Affairs Committee of International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG), 2005-2008.

Marine geology experience:
Scientific cruises - Baltic, Okhotsk and Japanese Sea. Bottom sediments sampling, water sampling with bathometers and CTD probes, operation on seismo-acoustical profilers.
On-shore tasks - sediment samples and cores description, statistical processing of granulometric and geochemical data, time series analysis of long core proxies, mapping (ArcGIS, Oasis), databanking (MySQL, Access), seismo-acoustics interpretation, reporting.