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Curriculum Vitae

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Ser­gey Ko­tov

Pa­laeo­cea­no­lo­gy group
MARUM, Bre­men Uni
E-MAIL: ko­tov@uni-bre­; sko­

➢ Di­plo­ma of spe­cia­list-geo­lo­gist (Geol.Dep. of St-Pe­ters­burg Sta­te Un., 1979-1984).
➢ Di­plo­ma of en­gi­neer-ma­the­ma­ti­ci­an (Spe­cial Fac. of St-Pe­ters­burg Sta­te Un., 1990-1993).
➢ PhD in geo­lo­gy (pe­tro­lo­gy and vol­ca­no­lo­gy) (St-Pe­ters­burg, Rus­sia, 1999).

Sep­tem­ber 2014 - March 2019: re­se­ar­cher (post­doc) at Pa­laeo­cea­no­lo­gy group, MARUM cen­ter (, Bre­men Uni­ver­si­ty, Ger­ma­ny, sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 2014. Pa­laeo­cea­no­gra­phy of the Pa­leo­ge­ne, cli­ma­te dri­ven evo­lu­ti­on of the worlds oce­ans, ca­li­bra­ti­on of the Geo­lo­gi­cal Time Sca­le with as­tro­no­mi­cal­ly dri­ven cli­ma­te cy­cles ("Mi­lan­ko­vitch" cy­cles).

2009-2014 lea­ding en­gi­neer/​re­se­ar­cher in the Oce­an Geo­lo­gy Re­se­arch In­sti­tu­te, Saint-Pe­ters­burg, Rus­sia (vni­
2004-2006 re­se­arch sci­en­tist in the Bal­tic Sea Re­se­arch In­sti­tu­te, War­ne­mu­en­de, Ger­ma­ny, co-worker of a bi­la­te­ral Ger­man-Rus­si­an pro­ject GI­SEB - "GIS for time/​space mo­de­ling of se­di­ment dis­tri­bu­ti­on as a func­tion of chan­ging en­vi­ron­ment in the Bal­tic Sea", was re­s­pon­si­ble for da­ta­ba­se and web site ma­nage­ment,GIS map­ping, ma­the­ma­ti­cal mo­de­ling, and time-se­ries ana­ly­sis using se­di­men­to­lo­gi­cal and cli­ma­tic data sets (io-war­ne­mu­en­
May 2003: vi­sit­ing fel­low of the Bal­tic Sea Re­se­arch In­sti­tu­te (Ros­tock-War­ne­mu­en­de, Ger­ma­ny), was oc­cu­p­ied with the pro­blem of com­pa­ra­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of dy­na­mi­cal fea­tures of cli­ma­tic and se­di­men­to­lo­gi­cal con­di­ti­ons du­ring Ho­lo­ce­ne using Bal­tic Sea and Green­lan­dic ice data.
Apr. 2002 - June 2002: vi­sit­ing sci­en­tist in the sec­tion of Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy in the Bal­tic Sea Re­se­arch In­sti­tu­te (Ros­tock-War­ne­mu­en­de, Ger­ma­ny), in­ves­ti­ga­ted pro­blems of ma­ri­ne se­di­men­to­lo­gy using me­thods of ma­the­ma­ti­cal geo­lo­gy, de­ve­l­o­ped spe­cial soft­ware for au­to­ma­ti­cal cor­re­la­ti­on of sea se­di­ments.
Nov. 1999 - Sep. 2000: worked as a vi­sit­ing sci­en­tist in the sec­tion of Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Geo­lo­gy in the Kan­sas Geo­lo­gi­cal Sur­vey (US), in­ves­ti­ga­ted the pro­blem of cli­ma­te pre­dic­tion in terms of the Theo­ry of Dy­na­mi­cal Sys­tems and dis­tri­bu­ti­ons of xe­no­liths in Kan­sas kim­ber­li­tes in terms of the Theo­ry of Bre­a­ka­ge.
1998-2004: worked at the la­bo­ra­to­ry of Me­tal­lo­ge­ne­sis (In­sti­tu­te of Pre­cam­bri­an Geo­lo­gy RAS, St.Pe­ters­burg, Rus­sia), de­fen­ded PhD the­sis en­t­it­led "The struc­tu­re of con­trast laye­ring of "cri­ti­cal" zo­nes in ma­fic-ul­tra­ma­fic mas­sifs Kiv­ak­ka and Bush­veld: cha­rac­te­ris­tics, ori­gin", Ja­nu­a­ry 1999.
1989-1997: worked at the la­bo­ra­to­ry of Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Geo­lo­gy un­der Prof. A.B.Vi­ste­li­us su­per­vi­sor­ship. Was oc­cu­p­ied with the si­mu­la­ti­on of en­do­ge­nous pro­ces­ses of gra­ni­te for­ma­ti­on and me­ta­so­ma­tism in terms of Mar­kov pro­ces­ses; in­ves­ti­ga­ted laye­ring of Bush­veld-type in­tru­si­ons: sto­chas­tic and frac­tal fea­tures of con­trast laye­ring, ma­the­ma­ti­cal mo­dels of their for­ma­ti­on.
1984-1989: worked at the la­bo­ra­to­ry of Mag­ma­tism and Pa­leo­vol­ca­no­lo­gy (Ka­re­li­an Branch of Aca­de­my of Sci­en­ces, Pe­tro­za­vodsk, Rus­sia). Was oc­cu­p­ied with Ear­ly Pre­cam­bri­an pro­blems, geo­lo­gy of Pre­cam­bri­an mo­bi­le zo­nes.