Curriculum Vitae

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Sergey Kotov

Palaeoceanology group
MARUM, Bremen Uni
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➢ Diploma of specialist-geologist (Geol.Dep. of St-Petersburg State Un., 1979-1984).
➢ Diploma of engineer-mathematician (Special Fac. of St-Petersburg State Un., 1990-1993).
➢ PhD in geology (petrology and volcanology) (St-Petersburg, Russia, 1999).

September 2014 - March 2019: researcher (postdoc) at Palaeoceanology group, MARUM center (, Bremen University, Germany, since September 2014. Palaeoceanography of the Paleogene, climate driven evolution of the worlds oceans, calibration of the Geological Time Scale with astronomically driven climate cycles ("Milankovitch" cycles).

2009-2014 leading engineer/researcher in the Ocean Geology Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (
2004-2006 research scientist in the Baltic Sea Research Institute, Warnemuende, Germany, co-worker of a bilateral German-Russian project GISEB - "GIS for time/space modeling of sediment distribution as a function of changing environment in the Baltic Sea", was responsible for database and web site management,GIS mapping, mathematical modeling, and time-series analysis using sedimentological and climatic data sets (
May 2003: visiting fellow of the Baltic Sea Research Institute (Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany), was occupied with the problem of comparative analysis of dynamical features of climatic and sedimentological conditions during Holocene using Baltic Sea and Greenlandic ice data.
Apr. 2002 - June 2002: visiting scientist in the section of Marine Geology in the Baltic Sea Research Institute (Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany), investigated problems of marine sedimentology using methods of mathematical geology, developed special software for automatical correlation of sea sediments.
Nov. 1999 - Sep. 2000: worked as a visiting scientist in the section of Mathematical Geology in the Kansas Geological Survey (US), investigated the problem of climate prediction in terms of the Theory of Dynamical Systems and distributions of xenoliths in Kansas kimberlites in terms of the Theory of Breakage.
1998-2004: worked at the laboratory of Metallogenesis (Institute of Precambrian Geology RAS, St.Petersburg, Russia), defended PhD thesis entitled "The structure of contrast layering of "critical" zones in mafic-ultramafic massifs Kivakka and Bushveld: characteristics, origin", January 1999.
1989-1997: worked at the laboratory of Mathematical Geology under Prof. A.B.Vistelius supervisorship. Was occupied with the simulation of endogenous processes of granite formation and metasomatism in terms of Markov processes; investigated layering of Bushveld-type intrusions: stochastic and fractal features of contrast layering, mathematical models of their formation.
1984-1989: worked at the laboratory of Magmatism and Paleovolcanology (Karelian Branch of Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia). Was occupied with Early Precambrian problems, geology of Precambrian mobile zones.