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Dr. Christoph Häggi

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Post­doc Pro­ject

Influence of depositional setting on seafloor carbon cycling and compound-specific isotope signatures

Li­pid bio­mar­kers are a wi­de­ly used tool in pa­leo­cli­ma­te re­se­arch. Among the many ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons is the stu­dy of their sta­ble iso­to­pe com­po­si­ti­on (13C and 2H) to re­con­struct a wide ran­ge of en­vi­ron­men­tal va­ria­bles such as wa­ter sal­in­i­ty, ve­ge­ta­ti­on or pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on amount from se­di­men­ta­ry ar­chi­ves. It is usual­ly as­su­med that the sta­ble iso­to­pe com­po­si­ti­on of li­pid bio­mar­kers re­mains sta­ble af­ter de­po­si­ti­on and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of shifts in iso­to­pe com­po­si­ti­on du­ring post de­po­si­tio­nal de­gra­da­ti­on is so far po­or­ly cons­trai­ned.

In my post-doc pro­ject, I stu­dy bio­mar­kers from two se­di­ment co­res in the Red Sea. Both co­res are si­tua­ted geo­gra­phi­cal­ly clo­se to­ge­ther and are thus ex­pec­ted to re­cei­ve bio­mar­ker in­put with com­pa­ra­ble iso­to­pe si­gnals. Howe­ver, one core is si­tua­ted in the Shaban Deep bri­nes and thus un­der an­oxic con­di­ti­ons, whi­le the other core is si­tua­ted un­der oxic con­di­ti­ons outs­ide of the bri­nes. This al­lows to stu­dy how post-de­po­si­tio­nal pro­ces­ses al­ter com­pound-spe­ci­fic iso­to­pe com­po­si­ti­ons of bio­mar­kers un­der dif­fe­rent de­po­si­tio­nal set­tings and to as­sess the po­ten­ti­al im­pact of de­gra­da­ti­on un­der oxic con­di­ti­ons on iso­to­pe si­gnals.

Peer-re­view­ed Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons

Sa­wa­ku­chi A. O., Jain M., Mi­ne­li T. D., No­guei­ra L., Ber­tas­so­li D. J., Häggi C., Sa­wa­ku­chi H. O., Pu­pim F. N., Groh­mann C. H., Chies­si C. M., Za­bel M., Mu­litza S., Ma­zo­ca C. E. M.and Cun­ha D. F. (2018) Lu­mi­ne­scence of quartz and feld­spar fin­ger­prints pro­ven­an­ce and cor­re­la­tes with the sour­ce area de­nu­da­ti­on in the Ama­zon Ri­ver ba­sin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 492, 152-162.

Cri­vel­la­ri S., Chies­si C. M., Kuh­nert H., Häggi C., da Cos­ta Por­til­ho-Ra­mos R., Zeng J.-Y., Zhang Y., Schefuß E., Mol­len­hau­er G., Hef­ter J., Alex­and­re F., Sam­paio G.and Mu­litza S. (2018) In­crea­sed Ama­zon freshwa­ter di­sch­ar­ge du­ring late Hein­rich Sta­di­al 1. Quat. Sci. Rev. 181, 144-155.

Häggi C., Chies­si C. M., Mer­kel U., Mu­litza S., Pran­ge M., Schulz M.and Schefuß E. (2017) Re­s­pon­se of the Ama­zon rain­fo­rest to late Plei­sto­ce­ne cli­ma­te va­ria­bi­li­ty. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 479, 50-59.

Zhang Y., Chies­si C. M., Mu­litza S., Sa­wa­ku­chi A. O., Häggi C., Za­bel M., Por­til­ho-Ra­mos R. C., Schefuß E., Cri­vel­la­ri S.and We­fer G. (2017) Dif­fe­rent pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on pat­terns across tro­pi­cal South Ame­ri­ca du­ring Hein­rich and Dans­gaard-Oe­sch­ger sta­di­als. Quat. Sci. Rev. 177, 1-9.

Zech M., Kreut­zer S., Zech R., Gos­lar T., Mes­z­ner S., McIn­ty­re C., Häggi C., Egl­in­ton T., Faust D.and Fuchs M. (2017) Com­pa­ra­ti­ve 14C and OSL da­ting of loess-pa­leo­sol se­quen­ces to eva­lua­te post-de­po­si­tio­nal con­ta­mi­na­ti­on of n-al­ka­ne bio­mar­kers. Quat. Res. 87, 180-189.

Häggi C., Sa­wa­ku­chi A. O., Chies­si C. M., Mu­litza S., Mol­len­hau­er G., Sa­wa­ku­chi H. O., Baker P. A., Za­bel M.and Schefuß E. (2016) Ori­gin, trans­port and de­po­si­ti­on of leaf-wax bio­mar­kers in the Ama­zon Ba­sin and the ad­ja­cent At­lan­tic. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 192, 149-165.

Häggi C., Chies­si C. M.and Schefuß E. (2015) Tes­ting the D / H ra­tio of al­keno­nes and pal­mi­tic acid as sal­in­i­ty pro­xies in the Ama­zon Plu­me. Biogeosciences 12, 7239-7249.

Häggi C., Zech R., McIn­ty­re C., Zech M.and Egl­in­ton T. I. (2014) On the stra­ti­gra­phic in­te­gri­ty of leaf-wax bio­mar­kers in loess pa­leo­sols. Biogeosciences 11, 2455-2463.