Dr. Christoph Häggi

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Postdoc Project

Influence of depositional setting on seafloor carbon cycling and compound-specific isotope signatures

Lipid biomarkers are a widely used tool in paleoclimate research. Among the many applications is the study of their stable isotope composition (13C and 2H) to reconstruct a wide range of environmental variables such as water salinity, vegetation or precipitation amount from sedimentary archives. It is usually assumed that the stable isotope composition of lipid biomarkers remains stable after deposition and the possibility of shifts in isotope composition during post depositional degradation is so far poorly constrained.

In my post-doc project, I study biomarkers from two sediment cores in the Red Sea. Both cores are situated geographically close together and are thus expected to receive biomarker input with comparable isotope signals. However, one core is situated in the Shaban Deep brines and thus under anoxic conditions, while the other core is situated under oxic conditions outside of the brines. This allows to study how post-depositional processes alter compound-specific isotope compositions of biomarkers under different depositional settings and to assess the potential impact of degradation under oxic conditions on isotope signals.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Sawakuchi A. O., Jain M., Mineli T. D., Nogueira L., Bertassoli D. J., Häggi C., Sawakuchi H. O., Pupim F. N., Grohmann C. H., Chiessi C. M., Zabel M., Mulitza S., Mazoca C. E. M.and Cunha D. F. (2018) Luminescence of quartz and feldspar fingerprints provenance and correlates with the source area denudation in the Amazon River basin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 492, 152-162.

Crivellari S., Chiessi C. M., Kuhnert H., Häggi C., da Costa Portilho-Ramos R., Zeng J.-Y., Zhang Y., Schefuß E., Mollenhauer G., Hefter J., Alexandre F., Sampaio G.and Mulitza S. (2018) Increased Amazon freshwater discharge during late Heinrich Stadial 1. Quat. Sci. Rev. 181, 144-155.

Häggi C., Chiessi C. M., Merkel U., Mulitza S., Prange M., Schulz M.and Schefuß E. (2017) Response of the Amazon rainforest to late Pleistocene climate variability. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 479, 50-59.

Zhang Y., Chiessi C. M., Mulitza S., Sawakuchi A. O., Häggi C., Zabel M., Portilho-Ramos R. C., Schefuß E., Crivellari S.and Wefer G. (2017) Different precipitation patterns across tropical South America during Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger stadials. Quat. Sci. Rev. 177, 1-9.

Zech M., Kreutzer S., Zech R., Goslar T., Meszner S., McIntyre C., Häggi C., Eglinton T., Faust D.and Fuchs M. (2017) Comparative 14C and OSL dating of loess-paleosol sequences to evaluate post-depositional contamination of n-alkane biomarkers. Quat. Res. 87, 180-189.

Häggi C., Sawakuchi A. O., Chiessi C. M., Mulitza S., Mollenhauer G., Sawakuchi H. O., Baker P. A., Zabel M.and Schefuß E. (2016) Origin, transport and deposition of leaf-wax biomarkers in the Amazon Basin and the adjacent Atlantic. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 192, 149-165.

Häggi C., Chiessi C. M.and Schefuß E. (2015) Testing the D / H ratio of alkenones and palmitic acid as salinity proxies in the Amazon Plume. Biogeosciences 12, 7239-7249.

Häggi C., Zech R., McIntyre C., Zech M.and Eglinton T. I. (2014) On the stratigraphic integrity of leaf-wax biomarkers in loess paleosols. Biogeosciences 11, 2455-2463.