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The exploration of the impact of seafloor dynamics on the variability of seawater composition and global biogeochemical cycles, as well as the interactions between shelf-sea and open-ocean circulations and marine biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems, strongly benefits from an integrated modelling framework. The Enabler Ocean-Floor Modelling Framework (MODELING) will develop a modelling system that includes a dynamic ocean floor component and integrates the various observational data generated by the three research units.

The overall goal of the Enabler Ocean-Floor Modelling Framework is to estimate element fluxes and budgets, including their uncertainties, and to facilitate the understanding of feedbacks between marine ecosystems and the reactive seafloor, ocean circulation and marine biogeochemical cycles, according to the Cluster's overarching objectives.

Modeling enabler context
Existing models are shown in blue (with representative model grids), while the processes and interactions to be added in the Enabler Ocean-Floor Modeling Framework are depicted in dark red.
Jan 15, 2023

First estimates of natural Hydrogen at North Atlantic magma-poor rifted margins

By es­tim­at­ing the area of ex­humed mantle from wide-angle seis­mic pro­files at North At­lantic magma-poor mar­gins, we cal­cu­lated that the ...

Feb 08, 2023

Our publication in Nature explores rifted margins and discuss their role in the energy transition

Interactions between tectonic, magmatic, sedimentary and hydrothermal processes during rifting and break-up of continental lithosphere lead to a variety of ...

Sep 13, 2023

Asymmetry and evolution of craton-influenced rifted margins

Rifting can result in asymmetric conjugate margins. Rifting adjacent to a craton may have wide-ranging tectonic, stratigraphic, and compositional ...
