Dec 1, 2020
Research area of SO278
Working areas of SONNE cruise SO278 within the EEZ of Greece and Italy.


The "FRINGE" ex­ped­i­tion to the Hel­lenic and Ca­lab­rian arc of the Medi­ter­ranean sub­duc­tion zone with re­search ship SONNE (SO278) is part of the Bre­men Cluster of Ex­cel­lence at MARUM "The Ocean Floor – Earth’s un­charted In­ter­face". The fluid and rock in­vest­ig­a­tions of spe­cific fluid and gas dis­charge areas at the sea floor of the Medi­ter­ranean Sea are part of the re­search area RE­ACTOR, whereby Theme 1 (sea­wa­ter crust in­ter­ac­tions) and Theme 3 (pro­cesses and dy­nam­ics of vents and seeps) are dir­ectly af­fected.

The greater part of ex­ped­i­tion SO278 will be car­ried out in the Hel­lenic arc, the so-called Medi­ter­ranean ridge (Figs. 1-2) South of Crete in Greece. There, fluid dis­charge areas are ex­plored us­ing hy­dro-acous­tic meth­ods, meas­ured with high res­ol­u­tion and ex­amined with sev­eral core devices (grav­ity corer, mul­ticorer, minicorer) and tem­per­at­ure meas­ure­ments. The smal­ler part of the in­vest­ig­a­tions is car­ried out on mud vol­ca­noes in the Ca­lab­rian ac­cre­tion­ary com­plex in Italy.

In ad­di­tion to the sta­tion work in the Hel­lenic arc, we are plan­ning to per­form sta­tion work in the Ca­lab­rian arc within the EEZ of Italy. The goal is to bet­ter un­der­stand dy­namic pro­cesses of Sar­tori and Cetus mud vol­ca­noes. Here, the mass bal­ances of the chim­ney struc­tures, as well as the tem­poral / spa­tial dis­tri­bu­tions of mud flows and their in­ter­ac­tion of geo­lo­gical, phys­ical and chem­ical pro­cesses are in the fo­cus of re­search. The eval­u­ations within the DFG pro­ject so far have shown that the data col­lec­tion and sampling would provide sig­ni­fic­ant new in­sights into the un­der­stand­ing of both mud vol­ca­noes.

Link to expedition page