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12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12)

Spie­k­eroog: Geo­lo­gy, Se­di­men­to­lo­gy and Ak­tuo­paleon­to­lo­gy of a Bar­ri­er Is­land

Explaining the sediment zonation on Spiekeroog
A. Wehrmann, Senckenberg am Meer
Alexander Bartholomä, Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
August 26, 2022 registration closed on 1 July

The full-day ex­cur­si­on will give in­sight into the Ho­lo­ce­ne evo­lu­ti­on of the Wad­den Sea and it’s prin­ciple (bio-)se­di­men­ta­ry pro­ces­ses fol­lo­wing a tran­sect from the back­bar­ri­er ti­d­al flats to the salt mar­s­hes and eo­li­an du­nes en­ding at the sea­ward-ex­po­sed beach of the is­land. Spe­cial em­pha­sis is gi­ven to:
  • Holocene evolution of the barrier island system
  • barrier islands in mesotidal regimes
  • response of tidal inlets to changes in coastline/tidal basin
  • saltmarshes & eolian dunes: vegetation-controlled sedimentation
  • back-/foreshore morphodynamics
  • subsurface geology
Sche­du­le of the day:
07:00 Departure/bus shuttle to Neuharlingersiel Ferrystation, start: MARUM, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men, Leo­ben­er­str. 8., 28359 Bre­men
09:30 Meet at Neuharlingersiel ferrystation (eastside of the harbor)
10:00 Departure ferry to Spiekeroog Island
10:45 Arrival at Spiekeroog ferrystation
12:00 Duene 13: Overview dune belt and back barrier tidal flats
13:00 Salt marshes and pioneer zone
14:00 Lunch time at the Legde (wash over rim)
14:30 Eolian Sedimentation processes, primary dunes
15:30 Beach and shoreface processes
17:00 Short hike back to the ferrystation of Spiekeroog
18:10 Meet at ferrystation of Spiekeroog
18:25 Departure ferry to Neuharlingersiel (mainland)
19:10 Arrival at Neuharlingersiel ferrystation
19:30 Departure/bus shuttle to Bremen
Back at University of Bremen
Num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants 24
We will walk while on the island. Please wear sneakers or light hiking boots (rubber boots will be no good for the amount of walking)

Costs incl. bus, ferry, lunch bag EUR 100,-

Eolian sedimentation on Spiekeroog
A. Wehrmann, Senckenberg am Meer