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12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12)


Now open, started 21 March 2022! Please register here

Watch out for regular rates before 1 August 2022, see below.

Make sure you register early, including for the Helogland field trip (call closes on 15 July, numbers of participants are limited, the principle of "first come, first serve" is in effect)

Price list

Conference fee
21 Mar to 17 June 2022: Early bird online registration € 300.-
18 June to 1 Aug 2022: Regular online registration € 350.-
After 1 August and on-site: Late online registration € 400.-

Field trips (on registration only!)

North Sea Is­land Hel­go­land

21 Aug 2022 (1 day), max. 24 participants


Spie­k­eroog: Geo­lo­gy, Se­di­men­to­lo­gy and Ak­tuo­pa­leon­to­lo­gy of a Bar­ri­er Is­land

26 Aug 2022 (1 day), max. 24 participants


Clas­sic Up­per Jur­as­sic to Pa­leo­gene sec­tions of south­ern Lower Sax­ony

26-27 Aug 2022 (2 days), max 25 participants


Social events (on registration only!)

Group dinner

23. Aug 2022, 20:00h

€ 70.-

City tours (english)

21 Aug 2022, 14:30h or 26 Aug 2022, 10:30h (max. 24 each)

€ 12.-

Craft Beer Brew­ery Tour

24 Aug 2022, 18:00h (max. 24 participants)

€ 15.-

Tour to the Bremer Rat­skeller (Wine Cel­lar) (since 1405)

24 Aug 2022, 18:00h - 19:30h (max. 24 participants)

€ 30.-