Saturday, August 22nd - Take me to camp

“Are you guys going to Torngat Mountains? Can I come with you?” – hearing these words make us even more impatient to reach our destination. This day has come. Today we are about to fly to Saglek and leave from there to the Torngat Mountains Base Camp. The feeling that something amazing is about to happen is growing every minute. It gives us energy to get up early on Saturday and to be on time at the Air Labrador Terminal in Goose Bay. But no, not so fast – it is too foggy in Torngats and we have to wait. So we waited…. and waited…. than we waited a little more. The hosts of the terminal made everything to make us feel better. Finally, the first group left on the small plain called Twin otter. They had a stop at Nain to fill the fuel. The second group – only girls (as the lightest ones) – left soon after on the Beech directly to Saglek.

Here we all felt the difference: the difference of temperatures (from 30 degrees in Gosse Bay to not more than 10 in Saglek), of the landscape around, of the civilization. Putting on some warm clothes and getting on the boat that took us to our destination. Here we are, above the tree line, without roads, far away from civilization. Beautiful mountains surround the Saglek Bay. Everything looks mysterious and new. Are we here for sure? Yes, for sure – the shoots of the bear guards bringing us back to reality. Black bears are getting too close to the park. Where else could you hear something like that? After getting general information from Jolene , Park and Base Camp history as well as safety instructions from Gary and watching the number one video of the base camp – Polar bear safety video – you feel a bit more confident. You learned how to fight for your life You start to understand that for Inuit people it has always been crucial to save traditions, to live in harmony with nature and that you should respect their land and history.

Tonight we all need some time to get used to the place, to process our emotions and impressions. I am sure tomorrow we will have a marvelous day full of new events and experience and we will try to make the most out of it.

Valeriia Kirilova

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Ready to go: Boarding at Goose Bay Airport.

A view of Lake Melville.

Base Camp in sight!