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Ship's logs

MARIA S. MERIAN, SONNE, POLARSTERN, and METEOR – these are the names of the large German research vessels on which scientists around the world explore the oceans.

What is life like on board a research vessel? What does everyday life at sea look like and what is different from life on land? What equipment is used and why do scientists go out to sea to do research in the first place?

The expedition participants answer these and many other questions in their ship's logs. They share their stories about the work and life on board.


Ship's log M192

08 August to 05 September 2023

Hellenic Arc, Milos


Ship's log MSM119

8 June to 12 August 2023

Reykjanes ridge


Ship's log M190

June 8 to July 10, 2023

Mid-Atlantic Ridge


Logbuch MSM116

03 March - 7 May 2023

Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic


Logbuch RV Pelagia Dust-2023

07 - 27 March 2023

Southeast Cape Verde


Ship's log MSM 111

September 2 - October 4, 2022

Baffin Bay, Greenland


Ship's log MSM 107

17 May to 04 June 2022

Shelf area, northwest Ireland


Ship's log M180

February 23 - April 14, 2022

Agul­has ed­dies, East­ern South At­lantic


Ship's log MSM 104/1

November 18 to December 14, 2021
Cap Blanc


Ship's log METEOR 165

03 August to 06 September 2020

Cap Blanc


Ship's log IODP Exp 378

January 3 - February 6, 2020

South Pacific


Ship's log MSM 86

August 17 - September 17, 2019

Vesteris-Seamount, Greenland-Sea 


Ship's log POS 531

January 18 - February 1, 2019

Mauretanian Shelf, Atlantic Ocean


Cruise: MSM 79

October 30 - December 3, 2018

Cape Blanc, Atlantic Ocean


Cruise: SONNE SO263

June 01 - 27, 2018

Tonga Island Arc, Pacific Ocean


Cruise: METEOR M146

March 17 - April 16, 2018

Southeast of the Canary Island El Hierro


Cruise: SONNE SO260

January 12 - February 14, 2018

Con­tin­ental slope off Ar­gen­tina and Ur­uguay


Cruise: SONNE SO251

October 03 - November 02, 2016
Off the east coast of Japan


Cruise: METEOR M126

April 19 - May 21, 2016
Mid-Atlantic Ridge


Cruise: SONNE SO247

March 27 - April 28, 2016
Pazific off the coast of New Zealand +

Cruise: METEOR M122

December 30, 2015 - January 31, 2016
South Eastern Atlantic Ocean +

ArcTrain Excursion Labrador

August 17 - 29, 2015 +

Cruise: METEOR M114/2

01. - 28. March 2015
Gulf of Mexico +

Cruise: POSEIDON 451

24. April – 1. May 2013
Shipboard training cruise in the Gulf of Cádiz +

Cruise: METEOR M89

3. – 25. October 2012
Saharan dust transport in the Atlantic +

Cruise: Roger Revelle

9. – 26. September 2012
Hydrothermal vents, Lau Basin, Western Pacific +

Cruise: HEINCKE 387

20. August – 16. September 2012
Methane reservoirs in the sea floor off Svalbard +

Cruise: MARIA S. MERIAN 20/4

14. March – 7 April 2012
Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida +

Cruise: SONNE

8. März bis 6. April 2012
Yokohama - Yokohama
Dem Tohoku-Beben auf der Spur +

Cruise: MARIA S. MERIAN 20/1

6 Januar bis 15. Januar 2012
Walvis Ridge +

Cruise: METEOR 84/2

26. Februar bis 02. April 2011
Methanhydrate im Schwarzen Meer +

Cruise: METEOR 84/1

9. bis 22. Februar 2011
Tiefe Biosphäre im östlichen Mittelmeer +

Cruise: METEOR 82/3

6. September bis 11. Oktober 2010
Hydrothermalquellen am Mittelatlantischen Rücken südlich der Azoren
zum Logbuch (externer Link)

Cruise: Poseidon 400

29. Juni bis 15. Juli 2010
Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight vor der Küste Irlands +

Cruise: MARIA S. MERIAN 15/2

10. Mai bis 03. Juni 2010
Schwarzes Meer +

Cruise: POSEIDON 396

24. Februar bis 09. März 2010
Atlantik vor der Küste Nordwest-Afrikas
zum Logbuch (externer Link)