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Prof. Dr. Simone Kasemann


Isotope Geochemistry


+49 421 218-65930


+49 421 218-65938



MARUM I 1220

Prof. Dr. Simone Kasemann
Delivery address Universität Bremen
MARUM I Room 1220
Leobener Straße
28359 Bremen
www: Isotope Geochemistry Lab

Research Interest

I am an isotope geochemist interested in the geochemical evolution of the Earth and its oceans using non-traditional and radiogenic isotopes. My research focus is on signatures and mechanisms of global and extreme climatic changes and mass transfer and recycling processes at active plate margins. The research activities of the working group isotope geochemistry are based on developing and improving analytical techniques. We aim to apply a broad range of metal and metalloid stable and radiogenic isotope systems that can be used as proxy parameters to investigate processes at depth and Earth’s surface. A key research topic is on deep time records of global change with focus on ocean acidification and Earth System response through continental weathering. An additional focus is on transport and (re)cycling of elements at active plate margins. Mantle dynamics, plate tectonics and mass transfer are processes which have shaped our earth and are currently influencing the environment through volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, tsunamis and climate change. Detailed information about mass transfer and recycling processes will improve our understanding for the causes of natural disaster and Earth´s surface changes. Isotopic archives are mainly silicates, carbonates, evaporates and hydrothermal water.
Curriculum Vitae
since 2016Honorary Fellow, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
since 2009Professor of Isotope Geochemistry - FB Geosciences/MARUM, University of Bremen
2009 - 2011Honorary Fellow, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
2009Professor of Earth System Sciences, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin
2002 -2009Academic Research Staff,
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
2001 - 2002Research Fellow, Marie Curie Individual, School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK
2000 - 2001Research Fellow, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Belgium
1999 - 2000Research Associate, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
1999Dr. rer. nat. in Geology Technische Universität Berlin
1996Diploma Degree in Geology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Selected Publications
  • Clarkson, M.O., Kasemann, S.A., Wood, R.A., Lenton, T.M., Daines, S.J., Richoz, S., Ohnemueller, F., Meixner, A., Poulton, S.W., Tipper, E.T. (2015). Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Science, 348 no. 6231, 229-232, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa0193 .
  • Wood, R.A., Poulton, S.W., Prave, R.A., Hoffmann, K.-H., Clarkson, M.O., Guilbaud, R., Lyne, J.W., Tostevin, R., Bowyer, F., Penny, A.M., Curtis, A., Kasemann, S.A. (2015). Dynamic redox conditions control late Ediacaran metazoanecosystems in the Nama Group, Namibia. Precambrian Research 261, 252–271.
  • Ohnemüller, F., Prave, A.R., Fallick, A.E., Kasemann, S.A. (2014) Ocean acidification in the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation. Geology, doi:10.1130/G35937.1.
  • Jones, R.E., De Hoog, J.C., Kirstein, L.A., Kasemann, S.A., Hinton, R., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., EIMF. (2014). Temporal variations in the influence of the subducting slab on Central Andean arc magmas: evidence from boron isotope systematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 390–401.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Prave, A.R., Fallick, A.E., Elliott, T., Hoffmann, K.H. (2014) Continental weathering following a Cryogenian glaciation: Evidence from calcium and magnesium isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 396, 66–77.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Prave, A.R., Fallick, A.E., Hawkesworth, C.J., Hoffmann, K.H. (2010) Neoproterozoic ice ages, boron isotopes and ocean acidification: Implications for a snowball Earth. Geology, 38, 775-77.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Schmidt, D.N., Bijma, J., Foster, G.L. (2009). In situ boron isotope analysis in marine carbonates and its application for foraminifera and palaeo-pH. Chemical Geology, 260, 138-147.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Schmidt, D.N., Pearson, P.N., Hawkesworth C.J. (2008). Biological and ecological insights into Ca isotopes in planktic foraminifers as a palaeotemperature proxy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271, 292-302.
  • Jeffcoate, A.B., Elliott, T., Kasemann, S.A., Ionov, D., Cooper, K., Brooker, R. (2007). Lithium isotope fractionation in peridotites and mafic melts. Geochimica Cosmochica Acta 71, 202-218.
  • Coogan, L.A., Kasemann, S.A. and Chakraborty, S. (2005). Rates of hydrothermal cooling of new oceanic upper crust derived from lithium-geospeedometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240, 415-424.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Hawkesworth, C.J., Prave, A.R., Fallick, A.E., Pearson, P.N. (2005). Boron and calcium isotope composition in Neoproterozoic carbonate rocks from Namibia: evidence for extreme environmental change. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 231, 73-86.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Jeffcoate, A.B., Elliott, T. (2005). Lithium isotope composition of basalt glass reference material. Analytical Chemistry 77, 5251-5257.
  • Kasemann, S.A., Erzinger, J., Meixner, A., Viramonte, J.G., Alonso, R.N. and Franz, G. (2004). Boron isotope composition of geothermal fluids and borate minerals from salar deposits (Central Andes/NW Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 16, 685-697.
  • Schmitt A.K., Kasemann S., Meixner A., Rhede D. (2002): Boron isotopic composition of Central Andean ignimbrites: implications for crustal boron cycles in active continental margin. Chemical Geology 183, 333-347.
  • Kasemann S., Meixner A., Rocholl A., Vennemann T., Rosner M., Schmitt A., Wiedenbeck M. (2001): Boron and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Reference Materials NIST SRMs 610/612, JB-2 and JR-2. Geostandard Newsletter 25 (2-3), 405-416.
  • Kasemann S., Erzinger J., Franz G. (2000): Boron recycling in the continental crust of the Central Andes from Palaeozoic to Mesozoic, NW Argentina. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology 140: 328-343.