Welcome to the homepage of the Isotope Geochemistry group!

Welcome to the homepage of the Isotope Geochemistry Group. The main focus of our work is the geochemical evolution of the Earth and its oceans using non-traditional and radiogenic isotopes. Mantle dynamics, plate tectonics and mass transfer are processes which have shaped our earth and are currently influencing the environment through volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, tsunamis and climate change. Detailed information about mass transfer and recycling processes will improve our understanding for the causes of natural disaster and Earth´s surface changes. In addition, understanding earth system behaviour during past environmental changes is essential for future climate change predictions. Remarkable events in Earth history such as extreme transitions between icehouse and greenhouse, the biggest mass extinction and global ocean acidification provide an excellent opportunity in understanding past environmental change and predicting future climate change.



Geological Research Through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling: The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition (GRIND)

International drilling project started in Namibia

Drilling across the boundary of the Ediacaran
Ge­steins­schich­ten aus dem Edia­ca­ri­um in Na­mi­bia
Ge­steins­schich­ten aus dem Edia­ca­ri­um in Na­mi­bia. Foto: Tony Pra­ve

Drilling with international teams on three continents: The ICDP drilling project” Geological Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling - The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition” (GRIND-ECT) began drilling in September. The researchers are particularly interested in the old seabed on the continent, where they can study and collect data on the transition between the earth ages Ediacaran and Cambrian. This can be found in today's Namibia, Brazil and southern China. It is the first drilling project of the International Integrated Drilling Project ICDP, which carries out drilling on three continents: Africa, South America and Asia. Researchers from the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen are participating in this project.

The Guenzel drilling team and Catherine Rose logging the cores
The Guenzel drilling team and Catherine Rose logging the cores. Photos credit: Melanie Mesli & Tony Prave

GRIND-ECT Geological Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling: The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
(Photo credit: Thomas Wiersberg)

The GRIND team has had a successful week learning the drilling data management software and hashing out the final details of the workflow!

Head of Research Group


Copyright © 1997 - 2020 Mineralogical Society of America.
Lithium and Lithium Isotopes in Earth's Surface Cycles
Copyright © 1997 - 2020 Mineralogical Society of America.
Lithium – grüner Hoffnungsträger oder gewaltiges Umweltproblem? Dirk Steffens ist in die argentinischen Anden gereist, wo das Leichtmetall im großen Stil aus Sole gewonnen wird – und stellt fest: Es gibt mehr als nur eine Wahrheit über Lithium.

Terra X ZDF

only available in german

The Sources of Lithium

El origen del lito

The salars of the Puna in the Central Andes are among the largest lithium deposits on Earth. Scientists from Argentina and Germany analyze the geological pathway of lithium in the Puna.

The salars of the Puna have exceptional concentrations of lithium
The salars of the Puna have exceptional concentrations of lithium
Scientists study the sources of lithium in the Salars of the Puna.
Scientists study the sources of lithium in the Salars of the Puna. Photos credit: Raul Becchio

Science goes Public!

I know where you have been last summer - traced by isotopes
Ich weiß, wo du letzten Sommer gewesen bist - Auf Spurensuche mit Isotopen
www.sciencegoespublic.de, Bild rechts Lizenz: Ulrike Prange

Dr. Frederike Wilckens on "Tracked down with isotopes"