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Publications 1997 - 1990

1996 - 1997

CARSTENS, J., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1997) Distribution of planktic foraminifera at the ice margin in the Arctic (Fram Strait). Marine Micropaleontology, 29, 257-269.

HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1997): Late Quaternary paleoceanography in the Fram Strait. Paleoceanography, 12, 65-78.

HEBBELN, D., HENRICH, R., LACKSCHEWITZ, K.S. & RUHLAND, G. (1996) Tektonische Struktur und fazielle Gliederung der Lechtaldecke am NW-Rand des Tirolischen Bogens in den Chiemgauer Alpen. Mitteilungen für Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich, 39/40, 221-235.

HEBBELN, D., BEESE, D. & CORTÉS, J. (1996) Morphology and sediment structures in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 44, Suppl. 3, 1-10.

CORTÉS, J., FONSECA, A.C. & HEBBELN, D. (1996) Bottom topography and sediments around Isla del Caño, Pacific of Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 44, Suppl. 3, 11-17.

1993 - 1995

ELVERHØI, A., ANDERSEN, E.S., DOKKEN, T., HEBBELN, D., SPIELHAGEN, R., SVENDSEN, J.I., SØRFLATEN, M., RØRNES, A., HALD, M. & FORSBERG, C.F. (1995) The growth and decay of the Late Weichselian ice sheet in western Svalbard and adjacent areas based on provenance studies of marine sediments. Quaternary Research, 44, 303-316.

HEBBELN, D., DOKKEN, T., ANDERSEN, E., HALD, M. & ELVERHØI, A. (1994): Moisture supply to northern ice sheet growth during the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature, 370, 357-360.

HEBBELN, D. & BERNER, H. (1993): Surface sediment distribution in the Fram Strait. Deep-Sea Research, 40, 1731-1745.

1990 - 1992

HEBBELN, D. (1992): Weichselian glacial history of the Svalbard area: correlating the marine and terrestrial records. Boreas, 21, 295-304.

HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1991): Effects of ice coverage and ice-rafted material on sedimentation in the Fram Strait. Nature, 350, 409-411.

HEBBELN, D., WEFER, G. & BERGER, W.H. (1990): Pleistocene dissolution fluctuations from apparent depth of deposition in core ERDC-127P, West-Equatorial Pacific. Marine Geology, 92, 165-176.