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Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln


Marine Sedimentology


+49 421 218-65650


+49 421 218-9865650



MARUM II, 3180

Dierk Hebbeln

Reasearch Topics

  • Paleoceanography
    > of the Nordic Seas
    > of the Southeast-Pacific
    > of the Eastern Indian Ocean
  • Particle flux in the ocean
  • Morphodynamics in the coastal regions
  • Long-term development of cold-water coral ecosystems

Research Statement

Being a paleoceanographer by training I had two major regional foci in the early years of my career: the Nordic Seas and the SE-Pacific. In both areas, I followed a kind of comprehensive approach, not only looking on marine sediments as paleoarchives, but also trying to understand the sedimentation processes that finally produced these archives. Thus, by linking plankton net, sediment trap and surface sediment investigations, a solid base for the interpretation of older sediments has been developed that contributed considerably to the quality of the reconstructions of the paleoenvironment. In 2005, a new focus following the same approach has been put on Indonesia. Since the turn of the century, two new research topics have evolved: sedimentation processes in coastal settings, which is followed mainly within the Bremen excellence cluster and the long-term development of cold-water coral ecosystems, in which I am involved mainly through a number of EU- and ESF-projects.